   1519.05 APPLICATION.
   This chapter does not prohibit or apply to the following:
   (a)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use in emergency situations, of pyrotechnic signaling devices and distress signals for marine, aviation or highway use;
   (b)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of fusees, torpedoes or other signals necessary for the safe operation of railroads;
   (c)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of blank cartridges in connection with theaters or shows, or in connection with athletics as signals or for ceremonial purposes;
   (d)   The manufacture for, the transportation, storage, possession or use by, or the sale to the armed forces of the United States and the militia of this state, as recognized by the Adjutant General of Ohio, of pyrotechnic devices;
   (e)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns or other devices in which paper or plastic caps containing twenty-five hundredths grains or less of explosive material are used, provided that they are constructed so that a hand cannot come into contact with a cap when it is in place for explosion, or apply to the manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of those caps;
   (f)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of novelties and trick noisemakers, auto burglar alarms or model rockets and model rocket motors designed, sold and used for the purpose of propelling recoverable aero models;
   (g)   The manufacture, sale, possession, transportation, storage or use of wire sparklers.
   (h)   The conduct of radio-controlled special effect exhibitions that use an explosive black powder charge of not more than one-quarter pound per charge, and that are not connected in any manner to propellant charges, provided that the exhibition complies with all of following:
      (1)   No explosive aerial display is conducted in the exhibition;
      (2)   The exhibition is separated from spectators by not less than two hundred feet;
      (3)   The person conducting the exhibition complies with regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the United States Department of the Treasury and the United States Department of Transportation with respect to the storage and transport of the explosive black powder used in the exhibition.
         (ORC 3743.80)
   (a)   (1)   Except as described in subsection (a)(2) of this section, all retail sales of 1.4G fireworks by a licensed manufacturer or wholesaler shall only occur from an approved retail sales showroom on a licensed premises or from a representative sample showroom as described in this section on a licensed premises. For the purposes of this section, a retail sale includes the transfer of the possession of the 1.4G fireworks from the licensed manufacturer or wholesaler to the purchaser of the fireworks.
      (2)   Sales of 1.4G fireworks to a licensed exhibitor for a properly permitted exhibition shall occur in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code and rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal under Ohio R.C. Chapter 119. Such rules shall specify, at a minimum, that the licensed exhibitor holds a license under Ohio R.C. 3743.51, that the exhibitor possesses a valid exhibition permit issued in accordance with Ohio R.C. 3743.54, and that the fireworks shipped are to be used at the specifically permitted exhibition.
   (b)   All wholesale sales of fireworks by a licensed manufacturer or wholesaler shall only occur from a licensed premises to persons who intend to resell the fireworks purchased at wholesale. A wholesale sale by a licensed manufacturer or wholesaler may occur as follows:
      (1)   The direct sale and shipment of fireworks to a person outside of this state;
      (2)   From an approved retail sales showroom as described in this section;
      (3)   From a representative sample showroom as described in this section;
      (4)   By delivery of wholesale fireworks to a purchaser at a licensed premises outside of a structure or building on that premises. All other portions of the wholesale sales transaction may occur at any location on a licensed premises.
      (5)   Any other method as described in rules adopted by the Fire Marshal under Ohio R.C. Chapter 119.
   (c)   (1)   A licensed manufacturer or wholesaler shall only sell 1.4G fireworks from a representative sample showroom or a retail sales showroom. Each licensed premises shall only contain one sales structure.
      (2)   A representative sample showroom shall consist of a structure constructed and maintained in accordance with the Nonresidential Building Code adopted under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3781 and the Fire Code adopted under Ohio R.C. 3737.82 for a use and occupancy group that permits mercantile sales. A representative sample showroom shall not contain any pyrotechnics, pyrotechnic materials, fireworks, explosives, explosive materials, or any similar hazardous materials or substances. A representative sample showroom shall be used only for the public viewing of fireworks product representations, including paper materials, packaging materials, catalogs, photographs, or other similar product depictions. The delivery of product to a purchaser of fireworks at a licensed premises that has a representative sample structure shall not occur inside any structure on a licensed premises. Such product delivery shall occur on the licensed premises in a manner prescribed by rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 119.
      (3)   If a manufacturer or wholesaler elects to conduct sales from a retail sales showroom, the showroom structures, to which the public may have any access and in which employees are required to work, on all licensed premises, shall comply with the following safety requirements:
         A.    A fireworks showroom that is constructed or upon which expansion is undertaken on and after June 30, 1997, shall be equipped with interlinked fire detection, fire suppression, smoke exhaust, and smoke evacuation systems that are approved by the Superintendent of Industrial Compliance in the Department of Commerce.
         B.   1.   A fireworks showroom that first begins to operate on or after June 30, 1997, or that resumes operations at any time after a period of inactive status or licensure greater than one year, and to which the public has access for retail purposes shall not exceed 7,500 square feet in floor area.
            2.   A fireworks showroom that, through construction of a new showroom, expansion of an existing showroom, or similar means, first exceeds 5,000 square feet, to which the public has access for retail purposes, after February 7, 2022, shall be equipped with a sprinkler system that meets the criteria for sprinkler systems in extra hazard (group 2) occupancies under “NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (2019 Edition)”.
            3.   Notwithstanding subsection (d) of this section, the State Fire Marshal may provide a variance to the requirements of subsection (c)(3)B.2. of this section pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.59 for a sprinkler system that matches or exceeds the degree of safety provided by a sprinkler system that meets the criteria for sprinkler systems in extra hazard (group 2) occupancies under “NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (2019 Edition)”.
         C.   A newly constructed or an existing fireworks showroom structure that exists on September 23, 2008, but that, on or after September 23, 2008, is altered or added to in a manner requiring the submission of plans, drawings, specifications, or data pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3791.04, shall comply with a graphic floor plan layout that is approved by the State Fire Marshal and Superintendent of Industrial Compliance showing width of aisles, parallel arrangement of aisles to exits, number of exits per wall, maximum occupancy load, evacuation plan for occupants, height of storage or display of merchandise, and other information as may be required by the State Fire Marshal and Superintendent of Industrial Compliance.
         D.   A fireworks showroom structure that exists on June 30, 1997, shall be in compliance on or after June 30, 1997, with floor plans showing occupancy load limits and internal circulation and egress patterns that are approved by the State Fire Marshal and Superintendent of Industrial Compliance, and that are submitted under seal as required by Ohio R.C. 3791.04.
   (d)   The safety requirements established in subsection (c) of this section are not subject to any variance, waiver, or exclusion pursuant to this chapter or any applicable building code.
(ORC 3743.25)
   (a)   No licensed manufacturer or licensed wholesaler of fireworks shall knowingly fail to comply with the rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.05 and 3743.18 or the requirements of Ohio R.C. 3743.06 and 3743.19.
   (b)   No licensed manufacturer or licensed wholesaler of fireworks shall fail to maintain complete inventory, wholesale sale and retail records as required by Ohio R.C. 3743.07 and 3743.20, or to permit an inspection of these records or the premises of a fireworks plant or the wholesaler pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.08 and 3743.21.
   (c)   No licensed manufacturer or licensed wholesaler of fireworks shall fail to comply with an order of the State Fire Marshal issued pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.01(B)(1) and 3743.21(B)(1) within the specified period of time.
   (d)   No licensed manufacturer or licensed wholesaler of fireworks shall fail to comply with an order of the State Fire Marshal issued pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.08(B)(2) and 3743.21(B)(2) until the nonconformities are eliminated, corrected or otherwise remedied or the seventy-two hour period specified in those divisions has expired, whichever occurs first.
   (e)   No person shall smoke or shall carry a pipe, cigarette or cigar, or a match, lighter, other flame-producing item, or open flame on, or shall carry a concealed source of ignition into, the premises of a fireworks plant or on the premises of a wholesaler of fireworks, except as smoking is authorized in specified lunchrooms or restrooms by a manufacturer or wholesaler pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3743.06(C) or 3743.19(D).
   (f)   No person shall have possession or control of, or be under the influence of, any intoxicating liquor, beer, or controlled substance while on the premises of the fireworks plant or on the premises of a wholesaler of fireworks.
   (g)   No licensed manufacturer of fireworks or licensed wholesaler of fireworks shall negligently fail to furnish a safety pamphlet to a purchaser of 1.4G fireworks as required by Ohio R.C. 3743.47(A).
   (h)   No licensed manufacturer of fireworks or licensed wholesaler of fireworks shall negligently fail to have safety glasses available for sale as required by Ohio R.C. 3743.47(B).
(ORC 3743.60, 3743.61)
   (a)   No person who purchases fireworks in this municipality shall obtain possession of the fireworks in this municipality unless the person complies with Ohio R.C. 3743.44 to 3743.46.
   (b)   Except for the purchase of 1.4G fireworks made under Section 1519.04, no person who resides in another state and who purchases fireworks in this state shall obtain possession of fireworks in this state other than from a licensed manufacturer or wholesaler, or fail, when transporting 1.3G fireworks, to transport them directly out of this state within seventy-two hours after the time of their purchase.
   (c)   No person who purchases fireworks in this state under Section 1519.04, shall give or sell to any other person in this municipality fireworks that the person has acquired in this state.
(ORC 3743.63)
   1519.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree for a first offense and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than six months or both. (ORC 3743.99(C))