Plumbing Code
1331.01   Title.
1331.02   Administration and enforcement.
1331.03   Scope.
1331.04   Validity of other laws.
1331.05   Use of structure with unlawful installation prohibited.
1331.06   Registration requirements.
1331.07   Registration requirement exclusions.
1331.071   Registration required; reporting.
1331.08   Permit required.
1331.09   Permit requirement exclusion.
1331.10   Permit application.
1331.11   Plans required.
1331.12   Issuance of permit.
1331.13   Expiration of permit.
1331.14   Posting of permit.
1331.15   Amended applications.
1331.16   Pending construction.
1331.17   Compliance with permits.
1331.18   Fees.
1331.19   Inspections; tests; approvals.
1331.20   Adoption of plumbing chapter of Ohio Building Code.
1331.21    Liability of City.
1331.99    Penalty.
      Power to license plumbers - see Ohio R. C. 715.27
      Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R. C. 731.231
      Plumbing contractors' licenses - see BLDG. Ch. 1333

   1331.01 TITLE.
   This chapter and Chapter 1333 shall be known as the "Wooster Plumbing Code", and is hereinafter referred to as "this Code".
(Ord. 1968-56. Passed 11-18-68.)