   Application by any person for a demolition permit shall be in the form prescribed by, and filed with, the Division. Such application shall describe the demolition to be accomplished and shall designate the manner, method and equipment to be used. Application shall be made by the owner or the contractor employed to conduct such demolition, or the agent of either; unless made by the owner the applicant shall evidence his authority to make application by means of a duly verified affidavit of the owner. The application shall indicate the date upon which demolition is intended to begin and the probable date of completion thereof.
(Ord. 1968-57. Passed 11-18-68.)
   Prior to issuance of the permit, the Division shall determine that the proposed method of demolition is in accordance with good engineering practices; that the contractor or owner has the necessary and proper means and equipment to accomplish the demolition in accordance with the manner, method and equipment specified in the application; and that the demolition contractor has filed the evidence of insurance required by Section 1309.04. Upon each determination, and the payment of the permit fees the Division shall issue the permit.
(Ord. 1968-57. Passed 11-18-68.)
   1309.07 PERMIT FEES.
   The fee for demolition permits shall be determined by the Division of Building Standards in accordance with the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
(Ord. 2004-7. Passed 4-5-04.)
   The contractor or owner shall give the Division twenty-four hours notice before commencing demolition work under any permit. He shall carry out the work in an orderly manner and without unnecessary delay. He shall not, during regular working hours, interrupt his demolition operations without the consent of the Division when the permit related to demolition within a C-4 Central Business District as defined by the Wooster Zoning Code, or when the site of the demolition work is adjacent to a street designated as "Collector" or "Major" in the Major Thoroughfare Plan adopted by the Wooster Planning Commission. Provided that the Traffic Division of the Police Division may require a temporary cessation of any demolition work during rush hours or at other times when such work requires use of public rights of way and continuation thereof would be especially hazardous to traffic.
(Ord. 1968-57. Passed 11-18-68.)
   1309.09 COMPLETION.
   Demolition of any building or structure under any permit shall not be considered complete until:
   (a)    The contractor or resident-owner under Section 1309.13 has removed all lumber, rubble and other building or structural materials and debris from the premises, or at the owner's request, has piled it neatly upon the premises, in such a manner as not to constitute a public nuisance, hazard or possible rodent harborage;
   (b)    The contractor or resident-owner under Section 1309.13 has broken and removed all foundations or slabs (to not less than one foot below the ground surface) and shall have filled all basements, trenches or other depressions with compacted earth, graded neatly to the existing ground level, unless a building permit shall have been issued for a structure which will make use of the foundation or slab remaining after demolition, and, notified the Division for inspection and location of properly terminated sewer and water connections and,
   (c)    The Division has issued to the contractor or resident owner under Section 1309.13 a certificate of final inspection which certificate shall be issued when the provisions of this section have been satisfied.
      (Ord. 2000-66. Passed 12-18-00.)