(A)   No taxicab shall be operated pursuant to this chapter unless it bears a state license duly issued; and no such cab shall be operated unless it is equipped with proper brakes, lights, tires, horn, muffler, rear vision mirror, and windshield wipers, and all such equipment is in good operating condition. No such cab shall be operated unless it is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and the exterior chassis and body are in such sound condition so that the safety and comfort of passengers is not endangered.
   (B)   Each taxicab, while operated, shall have on each side, in letters readable from a distance of 50 feet, the name of the licensee operating it. If more than one cab is operated by a licensee each cab shall be designated by a different number, and the number also shall appear on each side of the cab.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see to the inspection of every taxicab as often as may be necessary to see to the enforcement of the provisions of this section. If at any time an inspection hereunder discloses that a vehicle licensed under this chapter fails to meet the standards set forth herein, the Chief of Police shall immediately cause the license of such vehicle to be suspended by serving notice upon the licensee of the nature of such defect. Such license shall remain suspended until such time as the defect has been corrected and the vehicle reexamined by the Chief of Police or someone designated by him or her to make such inspection.
   (D)   No taxicab shall be operated unless it is covered by a bond or public liability policy as required by statute.
(Prior Code, § 123.05) (Ord. 60-1, passed 12-19-1960; Ord. 73-1, passed 2-5-1973)