As used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and terms shall be construed as herein defined:
ABOVEGROUND SERVICE FACILITY: A structure located on or above the surface of the ground, including any cabinet and the underground supports and foundations for such structure, that is used by a public utility or service provider to supply some public need or demand such as power, water, gas, telecommunications or similar benefit.
ADULT BOOKSTORE: An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines, and other periodicals, and/or photographs, films, motion pictures, records or other form of visual or audio representations which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of such material.
ADULT BUSINESS USE: Any commercial use of property of which a significant or substantial portion involves an activity distinguished or characterized by its emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, including, but not limited to, the operation of an adult bookstore, adult card, gift or novelty store, adult entertainment cabaret, adult mini-motion picture theater, adult motel, adult motion picture arcade, or adult motion picture theater.
ADULT CARD, GIFT, OR NOVELTY STORE: An establishment having as a significant or substantial portion of its stock-in-trade items, such as cards, games, articles of clothing and novelties which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CABARET: A public or private establishment which, live or on motion pictures, features:
   A.   Topless and/or bottomless dancers, strippers and/or male or female impersonators; or
   B.   Entertainers who frequently display specified anatomical areas; or
   C.   Entertainers who by reason of their appearance or conduct perform in a manner which is designed primarily to appeal to the prurient interest of the patron, or entertainers who engage in, or engage in explicit simulation of, specified sexual activities.
ADULT MINI-MOTION PICTURE THEATER: An enclosed building, or any portion or portions thereof, having a capacity from six (6) to fifty (50) persons, where, for any form of consideration (including a coin or token inserted into a coin or token operated projector, video screen, or other image producing device), patrons may view films, motion pictures, or similar photographic or electronic reproductions in which a significant or substantial portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the showing of materials that are distinguished by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
ADULT MOTEL: A hotel, motel or similar commercial establishment which:
   A.   Offers accommodations to the public for any form of consideration; provides patrons with films, motion pictures, or other electronic or photographic reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; and has a sign visible from the public right of way which advertises the availability of such films, motion pictures, or other electronic or photographic reproductions; or
   B.   Offers a sleeping room for rent for a period of time that is less than eight (8) hours; or
   C.   Allows a tenant or occupant of a sleeping room to subrent the room for a period of time that is less than eight (8) hours. “Rent” and “subrent,” when used in reference to an adult motel, shall mean the act of permitting a sleeping room to be occupied for any form of consideration.
ADULT MOTION PICTURE ARCADE: An establishment in which electronic, electrical, or mechanical video screens or other image producing devices operable by insertion of a coin or token or for other consideration are maintained for presentation of images to five (5) or fewer persons at a time per such device and where the images presented are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER: An enclosed building with a capacity of fifty (50) or more persons where, for any form of consideration, patrons may view films, motion pictures, or similar electronic or photographic reproductions in which a significant or substantial portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the showing of materials that are distinguished by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
AGRICULTURE: Land, including necessary buildings and structures, used growing of crops in the open.
ALLEY: A public right of way, with a width not exceeding twenty-four feet (24'), which affords a secondary means of access to abutting property.
ALTERATION: A change in size, shape, character or use of a structure.
ANIMAL HOSPITAL: Any building or portion thereof used to provide medical care, observation, treatment, and accessory indoor boarding of domestic animals.
ANTENNA: Communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision of wireless services.
ANTENNA, DIRECTIONAL: A personal wireless services antenna that radiates or receives greater power in specific directions allowing for increased performance and reduced interference from unwanted sources.
ANTENNA, HEIGHT: The height of an antenna measured from the ground level at grade to its highest point.
ANTENNA, OMNIDIRECTIONAL: A personal wireless services antenna receiving signals from or transmitting in all directions.
ANTENNA, PANEL: A type of directional antenna that is usually one-directional, used to increase the range and capability of wireless Internet networks.
ANTENNA, PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICES: An antenna used in connection with the provision of personal wireless services.
ANTENNA, SUPPORT STRUCTURE: Any structure, including a tower, used for the principal purpose of supporting a personal wireless services antenna.
ANTENNA, WHIP: A personal wireless services antenna in the form of a long flexible wire or rod with a connection to one end.
ARBOR: A frame of wooden or metal, mainly used to support small trees or climbing plants.
ARCHITECTURAL ENTRANCE FEATURE: Structures used for the purpose of ornamentation intended to improve, identify, designate, label or demarcate the entrance to or exit from a residential subdivision, business park or planned unit development. Such structures may include, but are not limited to, decorative walls, columns, fence-like structures, sculptures or statues. An architectural entrance feature is not a sign; however, a sign may be part of, or mounted to, an architectural entrance. Such signs shall be in keeping with the feature as set forth in chapter 11 of this title and subject to approval by the director of community development.
ATTIC: The space between the ceiling (joist) beams of the top story and the roof rafters.
ATTIC, HABITABLE: A habitable atic is an atic which has a stairway as a means of ingress and egress and in which the ceiling area at a height of seven and one-third feet (7 1/3') above the atic floor is not more than one-third (1/3) the area of the next floor below.
AUDITORIUM: A room, a hall or part of a building, or other standalone building for gathering of people as an audience to hear events such as lectures, plays, and other presentations.
AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK RENTAL: An establishment for the rental or leasing of motor vehicles where contracts are prepared, reservations accepted, and vehicles stored and prepared for rental.
AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK SALES (NEW AND USED): The use of any building or portion thereof, or other premises, for the display and sale of new motor vehicles, or used motor vehicles as an ancillary use of a lot, and any warranty repair work and other repair service conducted as an accessory use.
AUTOMOBILE BODY SHOP: Any building, or portion thereof, used for the repair or straightening of a motor vehicle body or frame, welding and/or painting of motor vehicles. Maintenance, service and the repair or replacement of engines, transmissions, differentials and drive trains may be performed as an ancillary function to the body work.
AUTOMOBILE, PARKED: A vehicle parked on a residential property which does not remain on a parcel for more than ninety-six (96) consecutive hours.
AUTOMOBILE REPAIR: Any building, or portion thereof, used for the repair or replacement of engines, transmissions, differentials, drive trains, or any part thereof, and/or the replacement of parts, service and incidental repairs to motor vehicles, but excluding operations specified under automobile body shop.
AUTOMOBILE STORAGE: The action at a facility, portion of such, or other location in the Village where motor vehicles remain unmoved for a period of greater than seventy-two (72) hours in a non-residential district.
AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION: A business partly or entirely devoted to storing and dispensing of automobile fuels and accessories. Sale of convenience shopping goods to those purchasing gasoline, or others, may also be a part of this activity.
AVERAGE GRADE: Elevation of the two (2) points where the required front building setback line intersects the side lot lines.
AWNING: A structure made of cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a building in such a manner that the structure may be permanently affixed or affixed in such a manner that it may be raised or retracted to a position against the building.
BALCONY: An elevated platform open to the elements, not supported by the ground and projecting from an upper story and enclosed entirely by a railing.
BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: A facility, open to the public, engaged in deposit banking and that related functions such as loan-making, investments, and financial activities.
BANQUET HALL: An establishment rented to individuals or groups for private functions such as, banquets, weddings, and similar events. Such a use may or may not include kitchen facilities and on premises alcohol consumption during scheduled events.
BASEBALL/SOFTBALL DUGOUT SHELTER: A structure accessory to a field on which baseball or softball are played, designated for players waiting for a time to participate in the sporting event.
BASEMENT: A portion of a building located partly underground, but having not less than one-half (1/2) its clear floor to ceiling height below the average surrounding grade of the adjoining ground.
BAY WINDOW: A window projecting beyond the wall line of the building and not supported by a foundation.
BEER/WINE BAR: An establishment where the principal business is serving alcoholic beverages to be consumed by the customers on the premises and in which serving food may be incidental to the business operation. Accessory sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption are included as part of this use.
BED AND BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENT: an operator-occupied residence providing accommodation for a charge to the public. Breakfast may be provided to the guests only.
BILLBOARD: A sign advertising a land use, business, product, or service, not located or available upon the premises whereon the sign is located. These signs are distinguished from other off-premise signs by their larger than otherwise permitted size and typical location along interstates, state highways, and major arterial roadways. Additionally, billboards are often erected to attract attention to land uses, businesses, products, and/or services that may be utilized by motorists unfamiliar with area-wide land uses, businesses, products, and or services, such as tourists and out-of-state visitors.
BLOCK: A tract of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and other natural, constructed, or defined barriers.
BREW PUB: A full-service restaurant where beer is brewed or manufactured on the premises, with the primary distribution being in the adjoining full-service restaurant.
BULK STORAGE: Materials related to operation of a business that are finished products to be sold, or to be used in preparation of new products.
BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL SCHOOL: A specialized instructional establishment providing on-site training of business, commercial, and/or trade skills such as business skills, computer operations, and manufacturing/industrial skills.
BOAT: Any vessel used for travel upon or through water, except a personal watercraft. As applied in Chapter 5 of this Title, a boat and the trailer upon which it is maintained shall be considered as one vehicle.
BOAT SALES AND REPAIR: A building, or portion thereof, for the display and sale of boats, including facilities for repair of boats.
BORROW PIT: A depression or pit created to provide soil to be used as fill at another location.
BOTANIC GARDEN: A facility for the display and raising of plants and other features for study and public display.
BUILDABLE AREA: The area of the lot which is not located within any required yard.
BUILDING: Any structure that is built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chatels or movable property, and is permanently affixed to the land.
BUILDING, ACCESSORY: A subordinate building or portion of a principal building, the use of which is incidental to that of the principal building and customary in connection with that use.
BUILDING, COMPLETELY ENCLOSED: A building separated on all sides from the adjacent open space or from other buildings or other structures by a permanent roof and behind exterior walls or party walls, pierced only by windows and normal entrance or exit doors.
BUILDING COVERAGE: The gross area of a lot occupied by the ground floor of all principal building(s) and accessory structures which are under roof.
BUILDING HEIGHT: The vertical distance from the average grade measured to the highest point of the building. In determining height, parapet walls not exceeding three feet (3') in height from the roof surface, penthouse, roof tanks, bulkheads, chimneys and similar roof structures shall not be included unless the aggregate area of such structures exceeds one-third (1/3) of the area of the roof of the building.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL: A building in which the principal use of the lot on which it is located is conducted.
BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL: A building which is arranged, designed, used or intended to be used for residential occupancy.
BURNING, FREE: A rate of combustion described by material which burns actively and easily supports combustion. Examples: coal, charcoal.
BURNING, INTENSE: A rate of combustion described by a material that burns with a high degree of activity and is consumed rapidly. Examples: sawdust, magnesium (powder, flaked or strips), rocket fuels.
BURNING, SLOW: A rate of combustion which describes materials that do not in themselves constitute an active fuel for the spread of combustion. Examples: wool, materials with fire retardant treatments.
BUSINESS: Any occupation, employment or enterprise wherein merchandise is exhibited or sold, or which occupies time, attention, labor and materials, or where services are offered.
BUSINESS SERVICES: Establishments primarily providing services that are generally related to businesses support activities.
CALIPER: The diameter of the trunk of a tree measured in inches at a point six inches (6") above the ground for up to and including four inch (4") caliper size, and twelve inches (12") above the ground for larger sizes. This point of measurement is used for nursery stock trees.
CANNABIS: “Cannabis” as defined in Section 1-10 of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, as amended.
CANNABIS DISPENSARY: A business establishment operated in accordance with Illinois State Statute 410 ILCS 705, where cannabis and/or cannabis products are offered for retail sale either for medical or recreational consumption. A cannabis dispensary does not include on-site consumption, cultivation, or infusion of cannabis or cannabis products.
CANNABIS PRODUCTION: Craft growers, cultivation centers, infusers, processors, and transporters as defined under Section 1-10 of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, as amended.
CANOPY: A roofed structure that is open on at least three (3) sides and typically provides protection from the sun or weather that is associated with the sale of commercial goods or services.
CAR WASH: A building or portion thereof where automobiles are washed manually or with the use of a conveyor and blower, or other cleaning device.
CARETAKER'S/WATCHMAN RESIDENCE: Living quarters accessory to an industrial use provided as a residence, on site, for an employee charged with providing maintenance and security functions to a facility.
CARGO CONTAINER: An industrial, standardized reusable vessel that was:
   A.   Originally, specifically or formerly designed for or used in the packing, shipping, movement or transportation of freight, articles, goods or commodities, and/or
   B.   Designed for or capable of being mounted or moved on a rail car, and/or
   C.   Designed for or capable of being mounted on a chassis or bogie for movement by truck trailer or loaded on a ship.
CARGO CONTAINER FACILITY: Any site in which the principal use is the movement, staging, or redistribution of cargo containers either on or off of a chassis, or the nonpermanent storage (six (6) months or less) of cargo containers without being utilized for transportation purposes, but not to include railroad operations that are subject to jurisdiction of the U.S. department of transportation surface transportation board.
CARPORT, ATTACHED: A permanent roofed structure, made of wood, brick, steel or similar materials, not more than fifty percent (50%) enclosed by walls and attached to the principal structure for the purpose of providing shelter for one or more motor vehicles.
CARPORT, DETACHED: A permanent roofed structure, made of wood, brick, steel or similar materials, not more than fifty percent (50%) enclosed by walls for the purpose of providing shelter for one (1) or more motor vehicles.
CARTAGE AND EXPRESS FACILITIES: Any buildings, parking lots and related structures whose principal use is one or more of the following: the routing of trucks; the receipt and immediate dispatching of goods; short term storage which is incidental to the primary function of receipt and dispatching of goods; the parking or storage of trucks, trailers or other vehicles that accommodates the simultaneous loading and unloading of trucks. Cartage and express facilities do not include cargo container movement, storage, staging, or redistribution on or off a truck trailer.
CATERING ESTABLISHMENT: A business producing or processing food sales for consumption off-site by individuals or groups.
CEMETERY: A parcel of land and structure dedicated to the interment of human. Often includes crematoria, mausoleums, columbaria, mortuaries, and funeral establishments on the same grounds.
CHASSIS: The non-powered portion of a semitrailer configuration that transports the cargo container; also known as a truck trailer.
CHICKEN/HEN COOP: An enclosed structure used for housing chickens that provides protection from the elements.
CHILDCARE CENTER: A facility, other than within a residential dwelling unit, which exclusively provides supplemental care and supervision, recreation, and/or educational instruction to children or adults during the entire or any portion of the day. Daycare centers shall be in keeping with current state regulations.
CHILDCARE HOME: Any residence which receives more than three (3), up to a maximum of twelve (12) children, for less than twenty-four (24) hours per day. The number counted includes the family's natural or adopted children and all other persons under the age of twelve (12). The term does not include facilities which receive only children from a single household.
CLOSED CUP FLASHPOINT: The lowest temperature at which a combustible liquid under prescribed conditions will give off a flammable vapor which will propagate a flame. The tag closed cup tester shall be authoritative for liquids having a flashpoint below one hundred seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit (175°F). The Pensky Martens tester shall be authoritative for liquids having flashpoints between one hundred seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit (175°F) and three hundred degrees Fahrenheit (300°F).
COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE): An institution, other than a trade school, that provides full-time or part-time education beyond high school and that grants associate or bachelor degrees and may also have research facilities and/or professional schools that grant degrees.
COLLOCATION: The use of a single structure by two (2) or more antenna systems or platforms on a structure such as a support structure, pole, tower, mast building, water tower, or other structure.
COMMON AREA LIGHTING: Lighting fixtures located in the common area of developments including, but not limited to, private roadways, streets and driveways.
COMMUNITY RESIDENCE: A dwelling unit shared by not more than twelve (12) persons not related by blood, marriage, adoption or guardianship, plus their related staff, who live together as a single housekeeping unit and in a long term family environment in which staff persons assist in providing care, education, and participation in community activities for the residents with the primary goal of enabling the residents to live as independently as possible in order to reach their maximum potential. A group home may be shared by groups such as the disabled or the elderly.
COMPENSATORY STORAGE: An artificially excavated volume of storage used to balance the loss of natural flood storage capacity when artificial fill or structures are placed within the floodplain. The uncompensated loss of natural floodplain storage can increase off site floodwater elevations and flows.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN or THE VILLAGE OF WOODRIDGE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: The compilation of policy statements; goals; standards; maps; recommended planning, regulatory, fiscal and public works programs; together with pertinent data relative to the past, present and future trends of the village with respect to its population, housing, economic, social and environmental development patterns; its land, water and natural resources and use; its transportation facilities, public facilities and utilities; and any other mater relative to the present and future patterns of life within the village or within the unincorporated areas lying within one and one-half miles of its boundaries as they may from time to time exist, prepared and recommended by the plan commission with the advice and assistance of the zoning officer and adopted by the village board by ordinance duly enacted, together with such amendments thereto as may be adopted from time to time. The comprehensive plan will also refer to any internally consistent and complete portion of such a compilation relating to any one or more of the above-referenced subjects or to any specific portion of the above-referenced geographical area. As of the effective date of this title, said term is understood to refer to the following documents:
   A.   Village of Woodridge Comprehensive Plan 2015, as amended.
   B.   The comprehensive plan of the village of Woodridge, DuPage and Will Counties, Illinois.
CONTRACTOR SERVICES: Any of the activities commonly referred to as construction or as contractor’s services; including the indoor repair, maintenance, or storage of a contractor’s vehicles, equipment or materials for the provision of services, which shall include but not be limited to plumbing, heating, roofing, interior remodeling, and excavating. The use may include the contractor’s business office.
CONVENTION CENTER: A building or portion thereof used for holding assemblies, conferences, conventions, public meetings, seminars, trade shows, workshops, or other similar activities. May include dining facilities for the use of participants.
CONVERTED DWELLING: A single-family dwelling which has been converted into a primary unit and Accessory Dwelling Unit, as provided in section 9-3-20 of this title.
COUNTRY CLUB: A club with recreation facilities for members, their families, and invited guests.
CRITICAL ROOT ZONE: A circular area on the ground beneath a tree having a radius equal to one foot (1') for every one inch (1") of tree diameter at breast height.
CULTURAL FACILITY: A use operated by a public, private or non-profit organization that is open to the public and providing cultural services and facilities including, but not limited to cultural centers, museums, nature and forest preserves, botanical gardens, historical societies, aquariums and libraries.
CURRENCY EXCHANGE: A business primarily providing facilities for services cashing checks, drafting money orders, or serving as an outlet for government or utility services and payments.
DAMAGE, TREE: Any direct or indirect action that causes, or is reasonably likely to cause, the death of a tree or a significant loss of a tree's structural integrity including, but not limited to, destruction, poisoning, carving, mutilating, girdling, severing the main trunk, leader or large branches, touching with live wires, crushing or exposing the roots, digging or drilling any hole or trench within the critical root zone, filling with soil or other materials within the critical root zone, compacting a substantial portion of the soil within the critical root zone, or flooding the critical root zone. Without limitation to the foregoing, damage does not include the pruning of trees.
DATA AND COMPUTER PROCESSING FACILITY: A facility where data is collected, stored, and transmitted as information between computer users and / or other computer services providers.
DECIBEL: A unit of measurement of the intensity (loudness) of sound. Sound level meters which are employed to measure the intensity of sound are calibrated in decibels
DECK: An uncovered and open platform built above grade typically supported by pillars or posts. Decks may or may not be attached to a principal or accessory structure.
DENSITY: The density is the ratio determined as follows: Number of dwelling units (Divided by) Total lot area exclusive of all streets (sq. ft.) This ratio is used in determining overall densities when area developments are proposed without regard to individual lots.
DEVELOPMENT: Any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate.
DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT (dbh): The diameter of the trunk of a tree measured in inches at a point four and one-half feet (4.5') above the ground. This point of measurement is used for existing trees. The dbh for a multi-trunked tree that splits below four and one-half feet (4 1/2') but whose trunks share a common base shall equal the combined dbh of all of the trunks and shall count as one tree. Trunks that split at ground level and that do not share a common base shall each be measured as a separate tree.
DISABLED: A person who has a chronic condition which:
   A.   Is atributable to a mental and/or physical impairment.
   B.   Is likely to continue indefinitely.
   C.   Results in substantial functional limitations in three (3) or more of the following areas of major life activity: self-activity, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.
   D.   Reflects the person's need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment or other services which are of lifelong or extended duration.
DONATION DROP BOX: A receptacle placed outdoors used for the collection of used clothing, shoes, books and small household items donated by the public for redistribution by for profit and not for profit organizations and licensed by the Village.
DRIVE AISLE: A pathway for motor vehicles through a parking area that provides direct access to parking stalls on either or both sides of the pathway.
DRIVE-IN, DRIVE-THROUGH: Any place or business operated for the sale and purchase at retail of food and other goods or the rendering of services which facility is designed and equipped so as to allow its patrons to be served or accommodated while remaining in their motor vehicle.
DRIVEWAY: A pathway for motor vehicles from a street to a building, structure, or parking area. In residential districts, a driveway may also provide off street parking for vehicles, however must still serve the purpose as a pathway to a designated parking area.
DWELLING: A building or portion thereof designed or used for residential purposes, including single- and multiple-family uses and townhomes, but not including house trailers, mobile homes or lodging rooms in hotels, motels or lodging houses.
DWELLING, MULTIPLE-UNIT: A dwelling containing two or more dwelling units, which use as their principal means of egress common entryways, hallways, stairways, or corridors. Multiple-unit dwellings have individual entries and multiple dwellings are located in a single building.
DWELLING, SINGLE-UNIT ATTACHED: A single-family dwelling which is joined to another dwelling at one or more sides by a party wall or walls, with each dwelling having a separate entrance, commonly known as a duplex when two attached units, and a townhome/rowhome when three or more attached units.
DWELLING, SINGLE UNIT DETACHED: A single dwelling unit designed exclusively for residential use and occupancy, which is entirely surrounded by open space and is not connected to any other dwelling unit by roof, walls or porches.
DWELLING UNIT, ACCESSORY: A group of rooms which has complete, permanently installed kitchen and bath facilities and which constitutes a dwelling within a converted dwelling that is separate from the primary unit, as provided in section 9-3-20 of this title.
EASEMENT: A specific area of land over which a liberty, privilege or advantage is granted by the owner to the public, a corporation or some particular person or part of the public for specific uses and purposes and which shall be designated a "public" or "private" easement, perpetual or for a given term and exclusive or nonexclusive depending on the nature of the particular grant.
EAVE: The projecting lower edges of a roof, overhanging the wall of a building.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CAPABLE: Parking spaces that have electric vehicle supply equipment infrastructure installed that at least provides conduit for a dedicated branch circuit originating at the service equipment and terminating at a receptacle, junction box, or electric vehicle supply equipment adjacent to the parking space for electric vehicle charging with 208-volt or 240-volt or greater, 40-ampere or greater circuits.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) READY: Parking spaces that have the electrical panel capacity and raceway with conduit to terminate in a junction box or 240-volt charging outlet installed which will support an installed EVSE of 208-volt or 240-volt or greater, 40-ampere or greater circuits.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE): Electric vehicle supply equipment" or "EVSE" means a conductor, including an ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductor, and electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, and apparatuses installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE) INSTALLED: Parking spaces that have the electrical panel capacity and raceway with conduit to terminate in a junction box or 240-volt charging outlet installed which will support an installed EVSE of 208-volt or 240-volt or greater, 40-ampere or greater circuits.
ENCROACHMENT: Any building or structure, or part thereof, in the open area required by this chapter, excluding trees and shrubs.
EQUIPMENT RENTAL: Businesses which rent tools, construction equipment, and similar implement. Often includes storage, maintenance, and servicing of such equipment.
EXISTING GRADE: The grade of the existing ground surface prior to excavation or filling.
FAA: The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States.
FCC: The Federal Communications Commission of the United States.
FACADE: The exterior walls of a building or tenant space exposed to public view or that will be viewed by persons not within the building.
FOOD PANTRY: A facility in which the principal function is to provide food and personal items as charity to those in need.
FAMILY: A family is:
   A.   A person living alone;
   B.   Two (2) or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption (including foster children) living together as a housekeeping unit and occupying a single dwelling unit;
   C.   A group of not more than five (5) persons, who need not be related by blood, marriage or adoption (including foster children) living together as a housekeeping unit by joint agreement; or
   D.   A group of four or more persons living in a community residence.
FENCE, CLOSED: A fence which is not an open fence; provided, that any fence required by section 9-3-4 of this title shall be constructed in such manner so as to provide a solid visual barrier between the uses located on the same lot as such fence and all other surrounding uses.
FENCE, OPEN: A fence, including entrance and exit gates, designed and constructed so that the surface area of any segment of such fence contains at least fifty percent (50%) or more of open spaces.
FINISHED GRADE: The grade of the existing ground surface upon completion of construction or development.
FIXTURE: A complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp (or lamps) and ballast (or ballasts) as required, together with the parts designed to distribute the light, position and protect the lamps and connect them to the power supply. A fixture may be referred to as a luminaire.
FLOOR AREA, GROSS: For the purposes of determining floor area ratio, the floor area of a building or buildings shall be the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of such building or buildings measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the centerline of party walls separating two (2) buildings. In particular, "gross floor area" shall include:
   A.   Basement space, if at least one-half (1/2) of the basement or lowest level height is above the average grade.
   B.   Elevator shafts and stairwells at each floor.
   C.   Floor space used for mechanical equipment where the structural headroom exceeds seven and one-half feet (7.5') except equipment, open or enclosed, located on the roof, i.e., bulkheads, water tanks and cooling towers.
   D.   Interior balconies and mezzanines.
   E.   Enclosed porches, but not terraces and breezeways.
   F.   Accessory buildings.
FLOOR AREA, NET: For the purpose of determining off street parking and loading requirements, the net floor area of a building or buildings shall mean the sum of the net horizontal floor area of the several floors of a building measured from the interior faces of the exterior walls or from the centerline of party walls separating two (2) buildings. The net floor area (NFA) of a building shall include:
   A.   Basements, or portion thereof, that it designed and/or used for functions other than storage;
   B.   Penthouse, excluding mechanical penthouses;
   C.   Attic space having headroom of seven feet six inches (7'6") or more;
   D.   Interior balconies and mezzanines;
   E.   Enclosed porches; and
   F.   Floor area devoted to storage (when located in main floor sales/work areas or main floor backroom storage areas).
The net floor area (NFA) of a building shall not include:
   A.   Floor area occupied by mechanical, communications and electrical equipment, including penthouses;
   B.   Stairwells, escalators and elevator shafts;
   C.   Attic space having headroom of less than seven feet six inches (7'6");
   D.   Public restrooms;
   E.   Interior off street parking and loading;
   F.   Basements, or portions thereof, that it designed and/or used for storage;
   G.   Entrance lobbies; and
   H.   Interior covered common areas designed primarily for pedestrian circulation.
FLOOR AREA RATIO: The floor area ratio is determined as follows:
   Total gross floor area, all floors on lot (sq. ft.) ÷ Total lot area exclusive of all streets (sq. ft.)
Total lot area includes all impermeable surface areas, including driveways, access drives, parking areas, and sidewalks. Permeable surface areas include all landscaped areas, landscape berms, detention/retention areas, wetlands, etc.
FOOT-CANDLE: The unit of illuminance equal to one lumen per square foot.
FRONTAGE, LOT: The width of a lot abutting a public right-of-way, measured along the adjoining property line.
FUNERAL HOME: An establishment engaged in undertaking services such as preparing the dead for burial and arranging and managing funerals. The use includes crematorium.
GARAGE, PRIVATE: An accessory building or an accessory portion of the principal building intended for and used to store private vehicles of the principal use on the property.
GAZEBO: An accessory structure covered by a roof, and may be enclosed with screening, intended to be used for outdoor activities.
GLARE: Lighting entering the eye directly from luminaires or indirectly from reflective surfaces that causes visual discomfort or reduced visibility.
GOLF COURSE: A facility providing a private or public golf recreation area along with accessory golf support services and facilities such as a driving range, lounge, pro shop or banquet space.
GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES: A building owned, operated and/or occupied by a governmental agency to provide a governmental service to the public.
GREENHOUSE: A business whose principal use is the growing of plants, all or part of which are sold at retail or wholesale.
GROUP HOME: See Community Residence.
HEALTH CLUB (LARGE): A facility designed for and providing physical fitness facilities and services for large groups of people. For this definition, such facilities are those greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in size and, including a wide range of activities such as weight resistance machines, stationary bicycles, whirlpools, group workouts, saunas, showers, lockers, racquet courts, and swimming pools.
HEALTH CLUB (SMALL): A facility designed for and providing physical fitness facilities and services for small groups of people and emphasizing individual or small group training. For this definition, such facilities are those ten thousand (10,000) square feet in size and smaller. Such facilities may include activities such as weight resistance machines, sparring, stationary bicycles, group workouts, and training for martial arts.
HEALTH TREATMENT CENTER: An establishment where licensed medical professionals provide immediate care services to patients, primary on a drop in basis. Facilities often include rooms used for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries that can be performed in an office setting, but do not include overnight care.
HELIPORT: A designated area on the ground or on a building meeting the specifications of the federal aviation administration for the exclusive use of landing and takeoff of helicopters, excluding service and/or refueling buildings or facilities.
HOME OCCUPATION: Any business, profession, or occupation engaged in by the resident(s) of a dwelling unit at or from the dwelling unit.
HOSPITAL: An institution providing health, medical and surgical facilities, for diagnostic, mental, and medical treatment (both surgical and nonsurgical) to inpatients with a variety of medical conditions. These establishments maintain inpatient beds, provide patients with food services and an organized staff of physicians and other medical personnel to provide patient care services. These establishments commonly provide outpatient, diagnostic, clinical laboratory, and pharmacy services.
HOTEL: A building designed for transient occupancy, containing lodging rooms or suites accessible from a common interior hall or entrance, providing living, sleeping and sanitary facilities. A central kitchen, meeting rooms, dining room and recreation room are generally provided.
HOTEL, EXTENDED STAY: A building designed for extended occupancy for up to one year, containing lodging rooms or suites accessible from a common interior hall or entrance, providing living, sleeping, kitchenette and sanitary facilities. A central kitchen, meeting rooms, dining room and recreation room are generally provided.
ILLUMINANCE: A measure of how much light is falling onto a surface, typically measured in foot-candles.
INCOMBUSTIBLE: A material which will not ignite nor actively support combustion during an exposure for five (5) minutes to a temperature of one thousand two hundred degrees Fahrenheit (1,200°F).
INDOOR RECREATION FACILITY: A building or facility designed and equipped for the conduct of sports, leisure time activities, educational and community activities, and other recreation activities, including, but not limited to, bowling alleys, skating rinks, swimming pools, and dance halls.
INDOOR RETAIL SALES: Sale of any product or merchandise to customers for their own personal consumption or use, not for resale.
ISLAND: An area of ground within the boundary of any parking lot which has curbing adjacent to paved areas. Planting islands are used for traffic control and provide space for landscaping which helps screen and shade parking lots.
KELVIN: A unit increment of temperature and is used as a color temperature scale of a light bulb (symbol "K").
KENNEL: Any premises or portion thereof where four (4) or more domestic animals over four (4) months of age are kept or boarded for compensation and which does not include the provision of medical care.
LATTICE TOWER: A tower characterized by an open framework of lateral cross members, which stabilize the tower.
LANDSCAPING POND: A pond that is not required or primary used for stormwater management.
LAUNDRY DRYING EQUIPMENT: A system of poles and lines accessory to a residential property used to dry laundry in the outdoors.
LIGHT: Radiant energy that can be sensed or seen by the human eye.
LIGHT FIXTURE, FULLY SHIELDED: A light fixture constructed and installed in such a manner that all light emited by the fixture, either directly from the bulb or a diffusing element, or indirectly by reflection or refraction from any part of the fixture, is projected below the horizontal plane through the fixture's lowest light emitting part.
LIGHT OUTPUT: The power emited from a source of electromagnetic radiation, such as a light bulb, in the form of visible light. Light output is measured in lumens and is typically specified by the manufacturer for a given lamp or luminaire. Typical light output values for incandescent bulbs are:
   A.   100W: 1550 lumens
   B.   75W: 1080 lumens
   C.   60W: 780 lumens
   D.   40W: 450 lumens
LIGHTED OUTDOOR SPORTS FACILITY: An open area of land used for outdoor sports games and practices that is illuminated to allow such activities in the evening hours.
FREE LIBRARY: Accessory structures for the purpose of storing books for exchange within neighborhoods and for the general public and promoting access to reading materials.
LOADING, OFF STREET: A space, accessible from a street, alley or way, in a building or on a lot, for the use of trucks while loading or unloading merchandise or materials.
LOGO: A distinctive symbol which identifies a business.
LOT: A single parcel of land established through a plat of subdivision or defined as a zoning lot, abutting and have access to an existing public street.
LOT AREA: The area of horizontal plane within the property lines of a lot.
LOT COVERAGE: That area of a lot or parcel which is covered by buildings and/or other structures. In business and industrial zoning districts parking lots shall not be considered structures for lot coverage calculations.
LOT DEPTH: The depth of a lot or parcel as measured along a straight line connecting the midpoint of the front lot line to the midpoint of the rear lot line.
LOT LINE: A property boundary line of a lot; except, that where any portion of a lot extends into the abutting street or sidewalk, the lot line shall be deemed to be the street line.
LOT LINE, EXTERIOR SIDE: A lot line that abuts a street and is not a front lot line or a rear lot line. If the exterior side lot line abuts a front lot line on a curve, the exterior side lot line shall extend to the midpoint of the curve.
LOT LINE, FRONT: A lot line which abuts a street. On a lot abutting two (2) or more streets, the front lot line shall be the shortest lot line abutting a street. If the front lot line abuts an exterior side lot line on a curve, the front lot line shall extend to the midpoint of the curve. On through lots abutting two streets, both sides abutting streets should be treated as front lot lines.
LOT LINE, INTERIOR SIDE: A lot line which abuts another lot and which is not a front lot line or a rear lot line.
LOT LINE, REAR: A lot line or lot lines most distant from and most nearly parallel to the front lot line.
LOT, REVERSED CORNER: A corner lot, the rear of which abuts the side of another lot.
LOT, THROUGH CORNER: A lot having frontage on two (2) parallel or approximately parallel streets, and on the third street which is perpendicular or approximately perpendicular to the other two (2) streets.
LOT, THROUGH: A lot having frontage on two (2) parallel or approximately parallel streets.
LOT WIDTH: The distance of line measured perpendicular to a straight line connecting the midpoint of the front lot line with the midpoint of the rear lot line and intersecting with the front yard setback. In no case shall the front lot line be less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the required lot width in the applicable district.
LOT, ZONING: A tract of land consisting of individual parcels located within a block, under single ownership, and with one (1) principal building.
LUMENS: The unit of measurement used to quantify the amount of light produced by a bulb or emitted from a fixture.
LUMINANCE: The brightness or the amount of light coming off of a surface in a given direction, typically measured in candela per square meter (abbreviated as cd/m2).
MANUFACTURING: The production of articles for use from raw or prepared materials by giving such materials new forms, qualities, properties or combinations, whether by hand labor or machine.
MASSAGE: Any method of pressure on or friction against, or stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, vibrating or stimulating of the external soti parts of the body with the hands or with the aid of any mechanical electrical apparatus or appliances with or without rubbing alcohol, liniments, antiseptics, oils, powder, creams, lotions, ointments or other similar preparations used in this practice, under such circumstances that it is reasonably expected that the person to whom treatment is provided, or some third party on such person's behalf, will pay money or give other consideration or any gratuity therefor.
MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT: As defined in title 3, chapter 13 of this Code.
MEDICAL OFFICES: A medical and / or dental facility used for offices of one or more than one doctor for the examination and treatment of patients. Such facility shall not provide beds or other accommodations for the overnight stay of patients.
MEDICAL SPA (or MED SPA): A business with characteristics of both a medical use and a beauty day spa. The facility often provides aesthetic (non-surgical) medical services performed a licensed physician or supervised and qualified practitioners. No overnight stays are part of this facilities services.
MICROBREWERY: A manufacturer of alcoholic malt beverages of up to fifteen thousand (15,000) barrels per year for the purpose of wholesale distribution of a majority of its product with incidental sales of up to three thousand (3,000) barrels to the public for on-site consumption or carryout. The microbrewery facility may include an ancillary tasting room and retail sales in which guests/customers may sample and purchase the product(s) associated with the facility's use, and/or products manufactured on-site.
MICRODISTILLERY: A small-scale artisan manufacturing business that blends, ferments, processes, packages, and distributes alcoholic spirits on the premises. The microdistillery facility may include an ancillary tasting room and retail component in which guests/customers may sample and purchase the product(s) associated with the facility's use, and/or products manufactured on-site. Operation of the facility shall be consistent with Illinois State law regarding “Craft Distillers”.
MICROWINERY: Combination retail, wholesale and small-scale artisan manufacturing business that blends, ferments, processes, packages, and distributes wine for sale on or off-site. The microwinery facility may include an ancillary tasting room and retail component in which guests/customers may sample and purchase the product associated with the facility's use, and/or products manufactured onsite. Operation of the facility shall be consistent with Illinois State law regarding “Second Class Wine Makers”.
MONOPOLE TOWER: A tower that is a single upright pole engineered to be self-supporting that does not require lateral cross support or guys.
MONUMENT SALES: An establishment involved, in part or in whole, in the retail sale of tombstones, gravestones, burial monuments, and other similar items.
MOTEL: A building offering transient occupancy, containing lodging rooms directly accessible from an exterior hall or entrance, providing living, sleeping and sanitary facilities, whether the establishment is designated as a hotel, inn, automobile court, motor inn, motor lodge, tourist court or otherwise.
NATURE PRESERVE. An outdoor recreational facility that maintains and protects environmental features, or resources to ensure that the space remains in a predominately natural or undeveloped state. The preserved open space may include passive recreation and environmental education for the public.
NONCONFORMING SIGN: A sign, lawful prior to the effective date hereof, which does not comply with all of the regulations of this title or any amendment hereto governing the use of signs.
NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE: A structure lawfully established which:
   A.   Does not comply with all the regulations of this title governing the bulk of structures located within any given district; or
   B.   Is designed or intended for nonconforming use.
NONCONFORMING USE: A structure and the use thereof or the use of land that does not comply with the regulations of this title governing use in the district in which it is located, but which conformed with all of the codes, ordinances and other legal requirements applicable at the time such structure was erected, enlarged or altered, and the use thereof or the use of land was established.
NOXIOUS MATTER: Material which is capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the psychological, social or economic wellbeing of human beings.
OCCUPANT: Any person who is in possession of any space within a building or land.
ODOROUS MATTER: Any material that produces an olfactory response among human beings.
OFFICE, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL: Any building, containing one or more businesses, used primarily for conducting the administrative affairs of a business, profession, service industry, or government, or like activity.
OFFICIAL MAP OF THE VILLAGE OF WOODRIDGE or OFFICIAL MAP: The compilation of maps, standards and specifications of and for existing and proposed rights-of-way, streets, alleys, utility easements, public grounds and public utility systems within the village or within the unincorporated area lying within one and one-half miles of its boundaries as they may from time to time exist, prepared and recommended by the plan commission with the advice and assistance of the zoning officer and adopted by the village board by ordinance duly enacted, together with such amendments thereto as may be adopted from time to time.
ON-PREMISES CANNABIS CONSUMPTION ESTABLISHMENT: A cannabis dispensary or retail tobacco store (as defined in Section 10 of the Smoke Free Illinois Act) authorized or permitted to allow the onpremises consumption of cannabis.”
OPEN SIDED SUMMER HOUSE: A permanent accessory structure which includes a roof, no permanent walls and may include outdoor cooking facilities.
OPEN SPACE: Land unoccupied by structures, buildings, streets, rights of way and automobile parking lots and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents of a planned unit development. Open space may contain structures for recreational use.
OUTDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES (PRIVATE): Recreational uses conducted primarily or wholly outdoors and is privately owned and operated for use by the general public or subscribed members, including golf courses.
OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (PUBLIC): Any public land that is predominately open space and that is designated to serve the recreational needs of the community, including golf courses. The facilities and structures allowed shall be limited to those related to and necessary for active and passive recreation. In addition, the following accessory structures shall be permitted: picnic shelters, benches, restrooms, concessions, drinking fountains, and sculptures.
PARCEL (OR TRACT): A continuous area or acreage of land which can be described as provided for in the plat act 2.
PARKING SPACE: A surfaced and permanently maintained area on privately or publicly owned property, either within or outside of a building to store one automobile or similar vehicle.
PARKING LOT: An off-street, surfaced, ground level open area where motor vehicles are temporarily stored, where a fee may or may not be charged.
PARTICULATE MATTER: Material which is suspended in or discharged into the atmosphere in finely divided form as a liquid or a solid at atmospheric pressure and temperature.
PATIO: An unenclosed surface area located at the finished lot grade, usually constructed of concrete or masonry materials.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: A criterion to control impacts such as noise, odor, smoke, toxic or noxious mater, vibration, fire and explosive hazards, or glare or heat generated by or inherent in uses of land or buildings.
PERSON: In addition to a natural person, the term person includes the following: partnership, firm, association, organization, trust, trustee, estate, legal representative of an estate, trust company, financial institution, corporation, governmental unit or agency.
PERSONAL SERVICES: Uses that provide a variety of non-medical services associated with periodic, recurrent, and individual needs, including but not limited to personal grooming, clothing maintenance, and personal support activities. The use includes business such as massage therapy, med spas, and permanent makeup.
PERSONAL WATERCRAFT: Any vessel used for travel upon or through water that uses an inboard motor powering a water jet pump as its primary source of motor power and that is designed to be operated by a person siting, standing, or kneeling on the vessel, rather than the conventional manner of siting or standing inside the vessel, and includes vessels that are similar in appearance and operation but are powered by an outboard or propeller drive motor.
PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY: Any facility of whatever kind or nature that receives, transmits or relays radio or microwave signals for cellular, PCS or other similar service. This shall include any installation or mounting structure or equipment and any appurtenant electronics necessary for the operation of the facility. This definition shall be inclusive of the definition of personal wireless service facility set forth in 47 USC 332(c)(7)(C), as amended now or in the future.
PET CARE SERVICES: Facilities that provide services for dogs and cats, such as daycare, grooming or obedience training. This does not include medical services or overnight kenneling of animals.
PICK UP WINDOW: An element of a drive-through facility where customers, in their cars, are provided purchased goods by an employee from inside the building.
PLACE OF WORSHIP: Any church, synagogue, mosque, temple or building which is used primarily for religious worship and related religious activities.
PLANNED DEVELOPMENT: A tract of land developed under single ownership or unified control, and considered by the Village as a special use with detailed review of individual proposals for the potential relaxation of otherwise applicable requirements.
PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PLAT: A pat of development prepared and provided as part of a planned development review process.
PLANTINGS, PRAIRIE OR WETLAND: Those plants identified by the U.S. geological survey (USGS) or the environmental protection agency (EPA) as natural prairie or wetland species.
PLAT: A map or chart of a subdivision of land.
PLAT ACT: 765 Illinois Compiled Statutes, as amended.
PLAT, FINAL: A map of all or part of a subdivision providing substantial conformance with the requirements of the plat act and this title and for recording by the county recorder.
PLAT, PRELIMINARY: A map showing all requisite details of a proposed subdivision submitted to an approving authority for purposes of preliminary consideration, prepared in conformance with the plat act and this title.
PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: An appurtenant structure located on the ground and intended for recreational or athletic use including, but not limited to: playhouses, sandboxes, swing sets, trampolines and jungle gym.
PLAYHOUSE: A detached accessory structure used for children's play and socializing.
PORCH: A roofed platform projecting from the wall of a building and having direct access to or from the building to which it is attached. A porch has no solid walls other than the wall of the building to which it is attached.
PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS: A portable storage unit designed and used exclusively for the storage of personal property which is designed to be delivered to a customer's house for on location packing and subsequent pick-up and delivery to a storage facility.
PREMISES: Any improved or unimproved property.
PRIMARY UNIT: That portion of a converted dwelling which is not part of the accessory unit.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Construction of or enhancement to public infrastructure or facilities that may include but not be limited to grading, street surfacing, curbs and gutter, sidewalks, walkways, crosswalks, water mains, fire hydrants, water system, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, stormwater management structures and lands, culverts, bridges, or streetlights.
PUBLIC STREETLIGHT: A luminaire or light installation designed and used to illuminate a public right of way.
PUBLIC UTILITY: Any person, firm, corporation, municipal department, board or commission, duly authorized to furnish, and furnishing under governmental regulations to the public: gas, steam, electricity, sewage disposal, communication, telegraph, transportation or water. Aboveground service facility owners, operators, managers, and controllers shall be deemed to be public utilities.
RACKING: A method of storing a chassis on end in an upright position where the bed is perpendicular to the ground.
RAIN BARREL: An aboveground storage tank that collects rainwater from rootiop gutter downspouts and stores it for later use.
RECYCLING CENTER: A facility at which recoverable resources from used materials and products are purchased, collected, or processed to a condition for reuse. Often includes temporary storage prior to delivery or sale to other locations.
REMOVAL, TREE: The physical detachment or elimination of a tree, or the effective detachment or elimination of a tree, through damage or otherwise. Removal does not include maintenance of trees.
RENTAL, SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL: A dwelling or portion thereof available for or used as accommodations or lodging for guests paying a fee or other compensation for fewer than thirty (30) consecutive days.
RESTAURANT: A retail establishment serving food to individuals and/or groups.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FACILITY. A facility in which a wide range of goods and materials are analyzed, tested, experimented on and assessed for further development. Often includes scientific research, investigation, testing or experimentation, but not manufacturing, assembling or sale of products, except as incidental to the main purpose of the facility.
RETAIL SALES, INDOOR: Sale of any product or merchandise to customers for their own personal consumption or use, not for resale.
RIGHT-OF-WAY: Area dedicated to or owned by a public body. In the case of public streets, the right-of-way normally includes the curbs, lawn strips, and lighting, sidewalks, and drainage facilities and may include special features such as grade separation, landscaped area, viaducts, and bridges.
SCHOOL, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE: An institution conducting regular academic instruction at kindergarten, elementary, junior high or senior high school levels, operated by governmental or non-governmental organizations.
SCREENING: A solid wall, fence or densely planted compact hedge for shielding or obscuring the area behind it from viewers.
SELF-STORAGE FACILITY: A standalone building designed and used exclusively for the storage of personal property of persons who own and/or lease portions of said building. At least seventy-five percent (75%) of the units are required to have interior access.
SETBACK: The minimum horizontal distance required between a lot line and uses on a lot as measured from the lot line.
SETBACK, BUILDING: The minimum horizontal distance between a lot line and a principal building on a lot as measured from the lot line.
SHED: A storage structure for household tools and equipment, which may or may not include a permanent foundation.
SHELTER: An accessory structure not exceeding one hundred and sixty-eight (168) square feet providing protection from elements to people utilizing the site.
SHIELDED: A light fixture in which the lamp is not in sight from normal viewing angles. All fully shielded and full cut-off fixtures are considered to be shielded.
SHOPPING CENTER: Any concentration of two (2) or more retail stores and/or service establishments in one or more buildings under single ownership or management, with common parking facilities.
SHRUB, LOW: Any shrub, with a minimum planting height of eighteen inches (18”), which atains a mature height of four feet (4’) or less when leti unpruned.
SHRUB, TALL: Any shrub, with a minimum planting height of twenty-four inches (24”), which atains a mature height greater than four feet (4’) when left unpruned.
SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE: A triangular-shaped portion of land bounded by the right-of-way lines at the intersection and a line connecting the two (2) points on the subject zoning property in which construction, placement and planting may be limited so as to not obstruct the vision of motorists entering or leaving the intersection.
SIGN: Any object or device containing letters, figures, and/or other means of communication or part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, of which the effect produced is to advertise, announce, communicate, identify, declare, demonstrate, display, and/or instruct potential users of a use, product, and/or service.
SIGN, ANIMATED: Any sign, or any part thereof which changes physical position by means of movement, rotation or change in illumination to depict movement.
SIGN, AWNING: A sign that is mounted, painted, or attached to an awning or other window or door canopy. Any projecting canvas or other material over a structural framework used for a small amount of shelter or shade on a façade that has signage displayed on the visible surface.
SIGN, BLADE OR SHINGLE: A sign which projects from a vertically oriented wall.
SIGN, BANNER: A temporary advertising sign which is not attached to a permanently mounted backing.
SIGN CLEARANCE: Sign clearance is the distance between the bottom of a sign face or structural element that is not affixed to the ground and the nearest point on the surface underneath it. See Section 9-11-3 -A-2.
SIGN, DIRECTIONAL: Any sign on a lot that directs the movement or placement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic with or without reference to, or inclusion of, the name of a product sold or service performed on the lot or in a building, structure, or business enterprise occupying the same.
SIGN, DRIVE-THROUGH: A wall sign, monument sign, or pole sign located adjacent to a drive-through land or drive-in establishment and oriented toward drive-through traffic.
SIGN, ELECTRONIC MESSAGE: A sign which exhibits changing and/or illuminated messages.
SIGN, KIOSK: A freestanding sign structure used for posting other signs or information.
SIGN, MARQUEE: A permanent roof-like structure made of durable, rigid material extending from the entrance of a building over a pedestrian or vehicular thoroughfare. A marquee is supported by the exterior wall of the building and contains is designed to have changeable copy letters, either electronically or manually.
SIGN MESSAGE: The thought or idea conveyed or expressed by the words, letters, insignia, figures, designs, fixtures, colors, motion, illumination, sound, or projecting images or any combination thereof.
SIGN, MONUMENT: A freestanding sign, other than a pole sign, in which the entire bottom is in contact with or close to the ground.
SIGN, NEON: A sign consisting of glass tubing, bent to form letters, symbols, or other shapes and illuminated by neon or a similar gas through which an electrical voltage is discharged.
SIGN, OFF-PREMISE: A sign advertising a land use, business, product, or service not located or available upon the premises where the sign is located.
SIGN, PERMANENT: A sign constructed of durable material and affixed, lettered, attached to, or placed upon a fixed, nonmovable, nonportable supporting structure.
SIGN, POLE: A freestanding sign that is affixed, attached, or erected on a pole or poles and that is not itself an integral part of or attached to a building or structure.
SIGN, PORTABLE: A sign that is designed to be easily moved from one location to another, and when placed, is neither fastened to a permanent structure or building, nor mounted in the ground. Portable signs include signs mounted on trailers, wheeled carriers, or frames that are designed to be placed onto a surface without being secured to it.
SIGN, ROOF: A sign erected, constructed or maintained in whole or in part upon or over the roof of a building or structure. Roof signs shall not include those signs maintained upon the lower slope of a mansard roof which do not extend above the uppermost point of the lower slope. Such signs shall be classified as "wall signs".
SIGN, SIDEWALK: A type of portable sign that is intended to be placed on a hard surface, most commonly a sidewalk. These signs include A-frame signs, signs that are suspended from the top member of an A-frame, signs with weighted bases, and comparable signs. See Illustrative Sidewalk Signs, below.
SIGN, SITE: A temporary freestanding sign constructed of vinyl, plastic, wood, or metal and designed or intended to be displayed for a short period of time.
SIGN, SOCK: A temporary sign constructed of flexible material, designed to fit over a permanent sign face or mount. Sock signs are typically installed while a new permanent sign is being designed and fabricated.
SIGN STRUCTURE: A sign structure shall include, but not be limited to, the supports, uprights, braces, backing, sign board, and framework designed to contain a sign message. Sign structure is not meant to include the message conveyed by the sign.
SIGN, SWING: A sign that is suspended from a horizontal support (a swingpost) that is attached to a vertical support mounted in the ground. A swing sign may also include riders. See Illustrative Swing Signs, below.
SIGN, VEHICLE: A sign attached to or painted on a vehicle parked and visible from the public right-of-way, unless said vehicle is used for transporting people or materials in the normal operations of the business and is properly parked in a designated parking space. Signs attached to trailers or inoperable vehicles are presumed to be vehicle signs if they are parked in plain view from the right-of-way. Bumper stickers are not vehicle signs. Illustrative Vehicle Sign In the illustration below, the sign on the pickup truck is not a “vehicle sign,” because the pickup truck is operable and properly parked in a parking space. The sign on the delivery truck is a “vehicle sign” because the truck is parked across parking spaces adjacent to the right-of-way, and the intent to use the position of the truck to display the sign is presumed.
SIGN, WALL: A sign attached to, painted on, or erected against a wall of a building, whose display surface is parallel to the face of the building, structure, or fence, and whose height does not exceed the height of the wall, structure, or fence to which said sign is attached, painted upon, or against which said sign is erected.
SIGN, WINDOW: A sign which is applied or attached to the exterior of a window, or applied to, attached to, or located within one foot of the interior of a window, which can be seen through the window from the exterior of the structure.
SIGN, YARD: A temporary portable sign constructed of paper, vinyl, plastic, wood, metal, or other comparable material, and designed or intended to be displayed for a short period of time.
SKETCH PLAN: A map indicating the proposed layout of the subdivision in sufficient detail to provide adequate basis for review and to meet the requirements and procedures set forth in this title.
SKILLED CARE FACILITY: An establishment for the care of the aged, rehabilitating, or infirm that provides some degree of professional care, continuous nursing observations, restorative nursing, and other services including assisted senior living, skilled senior living, memory care, and extended stay physical rehabilitation. Staff persons provide on-site care, training, or support for the residents. These facilities are commonly designated as, assisted living, or skilled/memory care.
SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY: A wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications:
   A.   Each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than six cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an imaginary enclosure of no more than six (6) cubic feet; and
   B.   All other wireless equipment attached directly to a utility pole associated with the facility is cumulatively no more than twenty-five (25) cubic feet in volume.
The following types of associated ancillary equipment are not included in the calculation of equipment volume: Electric meter, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation box, ground-based enclosures, grounding equipment, power transfer switch, cut-off switch, and vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services.
SMOKE: Small gas borne particles other than water that form a visible plume in the air.
SMOKE SHOP: A business establishment that offers smoking cigars, cigaretes, vaping or smoking from a communal pipe device.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM (SES): A system that uses the power of the sun to capture, distribute and/or store energy for on-site consumption of utility power.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, GROUND MOUNTED: A solar energy system that is not attached to another structure and is affixed to the ground.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, ROOF MOUNTED: A solar energy system affixed to the roof of a principal or accessory structure.
SOLAR SHINGLES: Photovoltaic shingles that directly integrate with typical asphalt shingles which serve as a conventional shingle for weather protection, while generating clean solar electricity to a building.
SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL: The intensity of sound or noise in decibels.
   A.   Less than completely or opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and/or
   B.   Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely or opaquely covered.
   A.   Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
   B.   Acts or representations of acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation or erotic or sexual oriented torture, beating or infliction of pain;
   C.   Fondling, kissing or erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female breasts; and/or
   D.   Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any activity set forth in subsections A through C of this definition.
SPORT COURT: An area or structure designated for active recreation, such as basketball courts, tennis courts, and ice and hockey rinks. Such activities taking place in a residential driveway do not constitute this area or structure.
STACKING: A method of storing multiple cargo containers or chassis on top of each other in a vertical manner where the floor of the containers or chassis remain parallel to the ground.
STEALTH DESIGN: A personal wireless service facility that is designed or located in such a way that the antennas and/or towers are camouflaged, concealed, disguised and otherwise not readily recognizable as telecommunications equipment. Examples of stealth design include concealing antenna in clock towers, bell steeples, on light poles, and integrating antenna into architectural elements on buildings by color, shape or location on the building.
STOOP: A raised platform, approached by steps and sometimes having a roof, but not enclosed, at the entrance to a building.
STORY: That portion of a building included between the floor surface and the surface of the next floor or roof above; provided that space has a height of not less than seven feet (7’).
   A.   Space used exclusively for the housing of mechanical services for the building and having access limited to maintenance purposes only, shall not be construed as a story.
   B.   A story may have differing or “split” levels, in which case, the floor levels which have the least difference in floor level (5 feet or less) shall be construed as being the same story.
   C.   A mezzanine shall be construed as a story if its area exceeds one-third (1/3) of the floor directly below it, or if the vertical distance from the floor below the mezzanine to the floor or roof above the mezzanine exceeds twenty-three feet (23’).
   D.   Basements, as determined from the average grade and habitable atic areas shall not be considered stories for the purpose of determining building height for single-family detached dwellings.
STORY, HALF: A space under a sloping roof which has the line of intersection of roof decking and wall not more than three feet (3’) above the top floor level, and in which space not more than sixty percent (60%) of the floor area is completed for the principal or accessory uses.
STREET: A paved public or private way for motor vehicle travel. The term “street” includes a highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, pike, avenue, boulevard, lane, place, drive, court, and similar designations, but excludes alleys or way for pedestrian use only.
STRUCTURE: Anything constructed, reconstructed, or erected or any production or piece of work manmade or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, the use of which requires permanent or temporary location on or in the ground or requires attachment to something having a permanent location in or upon the ground.
STRUCTURE, NONCONFORMING: A structure which does not comply in some respect with the lot size requirements or bulk regulations applicable to new structures in the zoning district in which it is located.
STRUCTURE, TEMPORARY: A structure without any foundation or footings and which is removed when the designated time period, activity, or use for which the temporary structure was erected has ceased.
SUBDIVIDER: A natural person, firm, association, partnership, corporation or combination thereof or their agents, who shall seek to subdivide or partition a parcel or tract of land as hereinafter regulated, or who shall seek to develop a heretofore subdivided parcel or tract which has not been improved in accordance with the standards and specifications incorporated herein.
SUBDIVISION: The partitioning, dividing, or consolidating of a parcel or tract of land by the subdivider thereof or by his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors or assigns, where the act of division creates a subdivision not exempt under the provisions of 765 Illinois Compiled Statutes.
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: The subdivision regulations ordinance for the Village of Woodridge, Illinois. See Title 10.
TATTOO PARLOR: An establishment performing compensated tatooing service which means a placement in human tissue of any indelible design, leter, scroll, figure, symbol, or other mark placed with the aid of needles or other instruments; or any design, leter, scroll, figure, or symbol done by scarring upon or under the skin.
TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER: Any freestanding structure that is designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas. This term includes, but is not limited to, radio and television transmission towers, microwave towers, common carrier towers, cellular phone towers, alternative tower structures, and other wireless communication towers. For the purpose of this title, all telecommunication towers are considered wireless communication facilities.
TEMPORARY CONTRACTOR AND CONSTRUCTION TRAILER: A non-permanent structure located on the site of a development or construction project to be used for management of the development or construction project and located on the site for a time concurrent with the associated construction.
TEMPORARY SEASONAL SALES (OUTDOOR): Temporary outdoor retail operations and displays of items that are sold during a specific season, including such items as Christmas trees, pumpkins, watermelons, sweet corn, and budding plants.
TERRACE: A level plane or platform which is located adjacent to one or more faces of the principal structure, above the average level of the adjoining ground, and which is not roofed.
TOBACCO RETAILER: A retail facility in which greater than fifty percent (50%) of all sales are for any product containing or made from tobacco, nicotine, alternative nicotine products, electronic cigarettes, and other inhalation devices intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means. Tobacco retail includes any component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product, whether or not sold separately, and does not include any onsite consumption.
TOWER: Includes any structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting a personal wireless service facility.
TOXIC MATERIALS: A substance (liquid, solid or gaseous) which, by reason of an inherent deleterious property, tends to destroy life or impair health.
TRAILERS: Every vehicle without motive power in operation, designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the towing vehicle.
TRAINING STUDIO: A facility for teaching people various cultural or artistic skills, and similar activities.
TREE: Any self-supporting, woody plant with its root system, growing upon the earth usually with one trunk supporting a generally well defined crown.
TREE, CLASS ONE: Any tree that is not a class two tree or that is otherwise deemed desirable by the director of community development due to local or historical significance, significant environmental value or other similar atribute.
TREE, CLASS TWO: Trees that are weak wooded, prone to rot, prone to disease or insect problems, invasive, or that are otherwise deemed undesirable by the director of community development, including, but not limited to: non-hybrid American elm, Siberian elm, European birch, black locust, Russian olive, box elder, buckthorn, cotonwood, Lombardy poplar, white poplar, mulberry, willow, Osage orange, tree of heaven, and silver maple.
TREE, DECIDUOUS: A tree that sheds its foliage annually.
TREE, EVERGREEN: A tree that has live foliage on its branches year-round.
TREE, QUALIFYING: An existing live tree growing in the earth that falls into any of the categories listed below:
   A.   Deciduous trees with a minimum size of six inches (6”) in dbh.
   B.   Evergreen trees with a minimum size of twelve feet (12’) in height.
   C.   Any other tree designated to be preserved on an approved tree preservation plan.
TREE, REPLACEMENT: A nursery grown, deciduous tree in excellent condition with a minimum caliper of three inches (3”), properly balled and burlapped and satisfying the standards established for nursery stock and installation thereof set forth by the American Association of Nurserymen. It shall be of a species normally grown in northeastern Illinois and capable of withstanding site microclimates and shall meet the definition of a class one tree.
TRUCK REPAIR: Any building or portion of one where commercial semi- trucks and trailers are maintained, repaired, or otherwise serviced for regular maintenance.
USE: The purpose or activity for which the land or building thereon is designed, arranged or intended or for which it is occupied or maintained.
USE, ACCESSORY: An accessory use is a structure and/or use which:
   A.   Is subordinate to and serves a principal structure or use;
   B.   Is subordinate in area, extent, intensity and/or purpose to the principal structure or use served;
   C.   Contributes to the comfort, convenience or necessity of the occupants of, or of the business or industry located in or on the principal structure and/or use served; and
   D.   Is located on the same zoning lot as the principal structure and/or use served.
UTILITIES: Infrastructure functions, public or private, related, but are not limited to, water and wastewater treatment facilities, electrical services, cable, cell or land line phone, natural gas, and water storage facilities that may have visual or operational impacts on nearby areas.
VEHICLE, COMMERCIAL: Any vehicle requiring a “C” license plate or higher operated for the transportation of persons or property in the furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, for hire or not for hire.
VEHICLE, OFF ROAD: Any vehicle intended principally for recreational off road use, including, but not limited to, a dune buggy, go-cart, all-terrain vehicle (ATV), off highway motorcycle or snowmobile.
VEHICLE, RECREATIONAL: Any camping trailer, motor home, mini- motor home, travel trailer, truck camper or van camper used primarily for recreational purposes and not used commercially. The terms found in this definition shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them as provided in the Illinois vehicle code.
VILLAGE BOARD: The mayor and board of trustees of the Village of Woodridge. See Title 1, Chapter 5 .
WAREHOUSE: A building or structure or part thereof used principally for the storage of goods and/or merchandise and their distribution to other storage facilities or end users.
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY: An unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or reception of radio frequency (RF) signals. The facility may consist of: transmission and reception devices, a support structure, ancillary equipment (cable, conduit, connectors), and/or an equipment enclosure used to house and protect the necessary electronic equipment as support structures for antennas and/or towers only.
YARD: Areas required on any lot which are unoccupied and unobstructed from its lowest level upward, except for permitted obstructions as otherwise provided for in this title, and which extend along a lot line and at right angles thereto a depth or width as specified by the bulk regulations for the district in which the lot is located.
YARD, EXTERIOR SIDE (STREET): A required yard adjoining a street which extends the full depth of a lot, along an exterior side lot line, excluding the area within a front yard.
YARD, FRONT: A required yard which extends the full width of a lot along a front lot line.
YARD, INTERIOR SIDE: A required yard adjoining another lot which extends the full depth of a lot along an interior side lot line, excluding the areas within a front yard and/or rear yard.
YARD, LANDSCAPE: Areas required on any lot which are occupied by landscaping and which extend along a lot line and at right angles thereto a depth or width as specified elsewhere in this title.
YARD, REAR: A required yard which extends the full width of a lot along a rear lot line excluding the area within an exterior side yard.
ZONING MAP: The map entitled, “official zoning map, Village of Woodridge, Illinois”, as amended from time to time, indicating the location and boundaries of the districts established by this title, together with all explanatory mater thereon.
ZONING OFFICER: The duly appointed and acting Director of Community Development or their designee. See Section 9-15-1-1 and Title 1, chapter 6 , article F of this code. (1976 Code § 22-1-4; amd. Ord. 86-63, §§ 1 - 7; Ord. 90-55, 8-23-1990; Ord. 90-83, 12-13-1990; Ord. 91-13, 4-11-1991; 1991 Code; Ord. 92-06, 3-12-1992; Ord. 94-20, 3-24-1994; Ord. 96-25, 6-13-1996; Ord. 99-63, 11-11-1999; Ord. 99-64, 12-9-1999; Ord. 99-65, 10-14-1999; Ord. 2001-02, 1-25-2001; Ord. 2002-50, 12-12-2002; Ord. 2003-17, 4-24-2003; Ord. 2004-10, 3-18-2004; Ord. 2004-49, 7-15-2004; Ord. 2005-47, 8-18-2005; Ord. 2005-49, 9-1-2005; Ord. 2007-16, 4-5-2007; Ord. 2007-49, 9-6-2007; Ord. 2009-31, 7-16-2009; Ord. 2010-29, 5-20-2010; Ord. 2011-21, 5-12-2011; Ord. 2011-40, 8-25-2011; Ord. 2011-43, 9-8-2011; Ord. 2013-53, 10-24-2013; Ord. 2014-36, 6-12-2014; Ord. 2015-11, 3-5-2015; Ord. 2015-72, 12-17-2015; Ord. 2016-2, 1-21-2016; Ord. 2017-51, 9-21-2017; Ord. 2021-32, 10-21-2021; Ord. 2022-41, 7-21-2022; Ord. 2024-6, 3-7-2024)