Notwithstanding any provisions in this Section 4-2-2 to the contrary, all persons who receive commercial scavenger service shall be subject to the following additional regulations:
   A.   Waste containers may be located anywhere on a lot; except, that should said waste containers be located in a required front yard or in an exterior side yard, said containers must be adequately screened from public view with a solid type fencing not less than five feet (5') in height; provided, that the height of said fencing shall exceed by no more than twelve inches (12") the height of the waste containers. Said fencing shall enclose the waste containers on no less than three (3) sides.
   B.   A special pick up shall be arranged for all bulk items and said bulk items shall remain within an enclosed building until said special pick up.
   C.   No refuse or waste container shall be placed at the curb. (1976 Code §8-12)