(a)   The Treasurer shall adopt and make available to all department heads a two-part purchase order, which shall be a request to purchase supplies or services as specified therein and shall contain the following information and provisions:
      (1)   Date of request;
      (2)   Description of item or service to be purchased and line item account number;
      (3)   Quantity to be purchased;
      (4)   Actual cost or estimate of cost of item or service;
      (5)   Vendor recommended by the department head;
      (6)   Provision for signature of department head making request;
      (7)   Provision for signature of the Treasurer indicating that sufficient funds are available for the payment thereof.
   (b)   A purchase order is a written request to a vendor advising the vendor that the Village desires to purchase labor or material as specified in the order at the price and under the terms set forth in such order. The form of the purchase order shall be prescribed by the Treasurer.
   (c)   The Treasurer may also prescribe the form of a quarterly blanket purchase order which may be issued for monthly recurring billings for the general operations of the Village and its departments.
(Ord. 2002-81. Passed 8-7-02.)