(a)   It shall be the responsibility of each employee, shift officer, supervisor and department head to certify to the Treasurer’s office the following information:
      (1)   Each time card of any employee shall be signed by the shift officer, supervisor, or department head to verify the information contained upon the time card of the employee for hours actually worked during any pay periods. The signatures required shall be taken to certify that the time cards completely and accurately reflect the hours worked or the leave taken by each employee for the applicable work period.
      (2)   Each employee shall submit to the shift officer, supervisor or department head having authority to grant the same, a request for leave form indicating the day or days used for sick time, vacation time, personal time, holiday time (Police Department) taken off during any pay period.
      (3)   For each two-week payroll period, the department head of each department will be responsible for compiling a summarization on a report supplied by the Treasurer for each employee in their department containing the following information:
         A.   A total of the hours worked and payable from the signed time cards.
         B.   A total of sick time, vacation time, personal time, holiday time (Police Department), to be paid from the signed requests for leave forms which had been authorized during the payroll period.
   (b)   Each employee shall be responsible for repayment to the Village for any amount of compensation paid which was an overpayment or payment for work not performed by the employee.
   (c)   The failure of the employee, shift officer, supervisor or department head to properly sign and submit time cards and requests for leave forms shall be a basis for the Treasurer to withhold a payroll check from the employee until such verified forms have been submitted.
   (d)   Each employee, shift officer, supervisor and department head shall comply with the provisions of Section 157.08, Time Clock, of the Codified Ordinances and with each provision of this section. Any person violating the provisions of Section 157.08, Time Clock, or of this section shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment in addition to any other penalty prescribed by law.
(Ord. 2002-78. Passed 8-7-02.)