Full-time employees working at least 30 hours per week, excluding all employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, shall be eligible to participate in the Village's medical, dental and vision care group insurance plans, or such other equivalent or improved medical insurance dental and vision care group insurance plans as shall be determined by Council from time to time. The Village shall pay the full monthly premium cost for individual, employee + spouse, employee + child[ren] or family coverage, whichever is applicable to and chosen by the employee. Effective January 1, 2021, employees may choose to "opt" out of the Village's medical, dental, and vision plans. Employees choosing to "opt out" of the medical, dental, and vision plans shall receive a monthly payment of one hundred twenty dollars ($120.00) a month for each month said medical, dental, and vision plans are waived. The Employee shall provide proof to the Village of medical insurance coverage every six months.
(Ord. 2021-63. Passed 12-8-21.)