135.01 DUTIES.
   (a)    The position of Law Director is created.
   (b)    The Law Director shall prosecute or defend any and all suits or actions at law or equity to which the Village may be a party, or in which it may be interested, or which may be brought against, or by, any official of the Village on behalf of the Village, or in the capacity of such person as an official of the Village.
   (c)    The Law Director shall see to the full enforcement of all judgments or decrees rendered or entered in favor of the Village and of all similar interlocutory orders.
   (d)    The Law Director shall be the legal advisor of the Village and shall render advice on all legal questions affecting the Village, whenever requested to do so by any Village official. Upon request by the Mayor or by Council, the Law Director shall reduce any such opinion to writing.
   (e)    The Law Director shall see to the completion of all special assessment proceedings and condemnation proceedings.
   (f)    The Law Director shall draft or supervise the phraseology of any contract, lease, or other documents or instruments, to which the Village may be a party; and upon request of Council, shall draft ordinances covering any subjects within the power of the Village.
   (g)    (1)    The Law Director shall serve as legal advisor to Council, and to Village officials and employees on matters pertaining to their duties, shall represent the Village in litigation except where Council directs otherwise, shall draft all contracts, ordinances, or other documents needed by the Village, shall attend Council meetings, Planning and Zoning meetings, and shall render such other legal service as may be required by Council.
      (2)    The Law Director shall receive for services a retainer in a sum as set by Council which shall be full compensation for all advisory services, attendance at Council and Planning and Zoning meetings, and the drafting of ordinances, contracts, and other documents.
   (h)    The monthly retainer fee shall not include those services rendered in connection with bond issues, or with research, preparation, and attendance in any court, or with research, preparation, and attendance in all matters and hearings to which the Village or its officials or employees in their official capacity may be parties. For any services not covered by the retainer, legal counsel shall receive an hourly rate as set by Council.
(1973 Code Sec. 30.02.)