The Mayor's Court Clerk shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall be responsible to the Law Director with oversight by the Mayor of the general function of the Mayor's Court as required by Chapter 1905 of the Ohio Revised Code for the Woodmere Mayor's Court duties. The Mayor's Court Clerk shall be governed by the general rules and regulations pertaining to employees of the Village and shall perform the following duties:
(a) Duties as to the Woodmere Mayor's Court:
(1) Maintain all accounts involving moneys collected for fines, waivers, bonds and miscellaneous reports;
(2) Responsible for making deposits and withdrawals from Mayor's Court, Bail Bond, and State Fund as necessary;
(3) Type warrants and affidavits for Detective Bureaus and prepare bench warrants for non-felony cases;
(4) Maintain a ledger of all court cases;
(5) Maintain ledger of all court cases in which a bond was given;
(6) Maintain a ledger listing all citations issued and amount of fine taken;
(7) Receipt, post and close out all cases in which fines were taken by Bedford Municipal Court;
(8) Prepare month end report in order to disburse funds to the State and General Fund;
(9) Prepare license forfeitures for Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) and Compact State and Releases of Forfeitures;
(10) Prepare a monthly officers report for Chief of Police and Law Director;
(11) Prepare dockets and cases for monthly court sessions;
(12) Prepare yearly court schedule for monthly court dates;
(13) Prepare purchase orders for Mayor's Court supplies and forms;
(14) Prepare delinquency notices for all court cases;
(15) Answer phones and assist callers with court inquiries and fine schedules;
(16) Maintain court computer system, update software, and communicate with support tech;
(17) Prepare driving privileges form issued by the court;
(18) Submit all assessed point violations to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) for processing on a monthly basis;
(19) Settle Mastercard/Visa and check card machine (if a transaction has been conducted) at the end of the day;
(20) File all finished cases in numerical order;
(21) Maintain a copy of procedures for court activity;
(22) The Mayor's Court Clerk is the Violations Bureau Clerk for the purpose of Traf. R. 13.
(23) Other duties as are assigned by the Law Director or Mayor.
(b) The part-time Mayor's Court Clerk shall be a part-time employee whose hours shall not exceed twenty hours per week.
(Ord. 2019-60. Passed 11-13-19.)