(a)   Council does herein recognize and adopt the logo, as set forth below, to be the
official logo for the Village of Woodmere:
   (b)    The official logo of the Village shall be and remain the property of the Village of Woodmere until revised, redesigned and replaced by action of Council and use thereof is protected copyright.
   (c)    The official logo of the Village shall not be altered, defaced or used in a degrading manner.
   (d)    The use of the Village logo may be used by Village officials for public, civic and/or Village purposes of any official nature, and use by or for any individual, organization
or group for political or personal purposes is expressly forbidden, unlawful and prohibited.
   (e)   The logo may be used for decals for placement on Village vehicles and on brochures, schedules, information bulletins, newsletters and other publications which are created by the Village for use in various Village programming and the dissemination
of information to Village residents.
   (f)    The official logo shall not be used as a substitute for the Village seal.
(Ord. 2019-25. Passed 5-8-19.)