(a)   The overall site plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and recommendation to Council for final approval.
   (b)   The site plan shall be not less than three (3) acres and shall be drawn to a scale of one inch (1") is equivalent to twenty feet (20') to fifty feet (50'), shall show topographical features of the lot, building placement and activity areas and shall include a circulation and parking plan and a planting and landscape plan. If a development is to proceed in phases, the relationship of any phase submitted for approval to the overall development plan shall be shown. A printed plan shall be signed by an Ohio licensed professional engineer or surveyor. Five (5) printed copies of a site plan and one (1) on electronic media shall be submitted for study.
   (c)   The site plan shall show that a proper relationship will exist between thoroughfares, service roads, driveways and parking areas to encourage pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety on both public and private lands. Upon acceptance of the site plan for study, a traffic study prepared by a certified traffic engineer licensed in the State of Ohio shall be required for the Chagrin Boulevard corridor from I-271 to Lander Circle. The site plan shall show adjacent buildings and properties, setbacks, streets and driveways. It shall include existing features including the heights all buildings. Building location and placement shall be developed with consideration given to minimizing removal of trees and change of topography.
   (d)   Maximum possible visual and auditory privacy for surrounding properties and occupants shall be provided through good design and use of proper building materials.
   (e)   In large parking areas, visual relief shall be provided through the use of tree- planted and landscaped dividers, islands and walkways.
   (f)   Screening of parking areas and service areas from surrounding properties shall be provided through landscaping and/or ornamental walls or fences where necessary to promote harmony with adjacent development.
   (g)   On-site circulation shall be designed to make possible adequate fire and police protection.
   (h)   Prior to approval by the Commission, grading and surface drainage provisions shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Engineer.
   (i)   Prior to approval by the Commission, the design and construction standards of all private streets, driveways and parking areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Engineer.
   (j)   A lighting and an auditory plan prepared by a licensed professional will be required and will be reviewed. It is subject to approval by the Village Engineer, Architect, and the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Ord. 2008-13. Passed 4-16-08.)