Permitted buildings and uses in a Community Office Business Overlay shall not exceed the height regulations provided in the following schedule:
         Lot Area (acres)   Building Height (feet)
         Under 2         35
         2 to 8            50 (a)
         over 8            75 (a)
   (a)   If a zoning lot in a Community Office Business Overlay is adjacent to a residential district, the maximum building height shall be thirty-five (35') feet.
   (b)   Building height shall be measured along the front facade of the building facing the public street providing access.
   (c)   Chimneys, domes, skylights, antennas, enclosed mechanical penthouses, elevator penthouses, spires, ventilators or other decorative or necessary appurtenances may be erected above the height limit if such structures are:
      (1)   Not used for human occupancy;
      (2)   Integral and harmonious to the main building;
      (3)   Not exceeding ten feet in height above the roof of the building, and
      (4)   Screened with parapet walls, screen walls or roofs finished in a material compatible or similar to the exterior finish of the building.
   (d)   All buildings which have three or more stories or which exceed thirty-five (35') feet in height shall be equipped with elevators.
      (Ord. 2008-13. Passed 4-16-08.)