(a)   Mixed-use development planned for Community Office Business Overlay should include planned integration of some combination of retail office and residential uses. It may offer hotel, recreation or other functions. It is pedestrian oriented and contains elements of a live-work-play environment. It maximizes space usage, has amenities and architectural expression and tends to mitigate traffic and sprawl.
   (b)   It is recognized that a Community Office Business Overlay use may be proposed as a conditional use in areas zoned U-2 Apartment House District, U-3 General Business District and U-4 General Office Building District. The uses which may conditionally be permitted in the Community Office Business District are to be limited in their scope, prohibiting those which generate high volumes of traffic at peak times. Where other requirements are not prescribed by this Chapter or by conditions of a Community Office Business Overlay use approved by the Council, the underlying zoning district uses, requirements, standards and regulations shall remain in full force and effect.
      (Ord. 2008-13. Passed 4-16-08.)