(a)    When the Director is required to give notice to the owner or occupant of any private property to carry out the provisions of this chapter, such notice shall be in writing, shall state the particular thing or things which the Director requires the owner to do, shall state the time within which the work is to be performed, and shall contain a statement notifying such owner or occupant that if the work ordered done by such notice is not done according to the terms of, or within the specified time in such notice, that such work may be done by the Village or by contract, that the entire cost thereof shall be charged to the owner and that the Village may take civil action against the owner to collect all costs due and/or prosecute the owner for failure to comply with the order of the Director.
   The notice may be served by delivering it personally to the owner, or leaving it at the owner's usual place of business or residence, by mailing it to the owner's place of residence by certified mail, or by posting it in a conspicuous place on the real estate involved, or by publishing it once in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village if it cannot be served in any of the other ways above mentioned.
   (b)    If such work is done by contract, the entire cost shall be determined by adding ten percent to the actual contract cost as a reasonable charge to pay for the cost of supervision by the Director, the service of notice, inspection and/or other factors incidental to the completion of the work.
   (c)    If such work has been done by regular employees of the Village, the entire cost shall be determined and arrived at as follows:
      (1)    The time expended thereon by employees shall be charged at the same hourly rate that such employee's wages or salaries cost the Village.
      (2)    Ten percent shall be added to the time-cost so found as a reasonable overhead charge to pay for the cost of supervision by the Director, the Village's equipment, the service of notice, inspection and/or other factors incidental to the completion of the work.
         (Ord. 2001-03. Passed 3-21-01.)