905.05 BOND.
   (a)   No permit for any excavation, filling or changing of grade or topography shall be issued hereunder unless and until the applicant for the permit shall have deposited with the Building Inspector a bond in the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), except as provided in subsection (b) hereof, and guaranteed that the provisions of this chapter will be complied with; the excavation, filling or changing of grade or topography will not remain upon the property for a period longer than thirty days; and that in the event the excavations, filling or changing of grade or topography shall not have been completely refilled as provided for herein, the Municipality, by any agent or employee thereof, may enter upon the property and fill the excavation, filling or changing of grade or topography or cause the same to be filled and that any costs or expense incurred by the Municipality in so doing shall be chargeable against the bond. The bond shall be by a solvent surety company authorized to write bonds within the State of Ohio; or in lieu thereof, a cash deposit in the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), except as provided in subsection (b) hereof, might be made by the applicant for the permit.
   (b)   Road bonds in the Village are hereby set as follows:
      (1)   Five hundred dollars ($500.00) for work along right of way and within fifty feet thereof.
      (2)   Five dollars ($5.00) per linear foot for excess of fifty feet, or one half of construction cost, whichever larger.
         (Ord. 2000-18. Passed 5-17-00.)