(a)    No person, firm, or corporation shall display, maintain, or permit to be displayed, maintained, or played upon property owned by or under the control of such person, firm, or corporation, a pinball game, electronic game, or other mechanical device, unless such person, firm or corporation shall first be duly licensed by the Municipality, and shall have obtained a permit therefor. However, this chapter shall not apply to private residences.
   (b)    Every person, firm, or corporation desiring to display such devices must make written application to the Mayor for a permit therefor, giving the name and address of applicant, type of device to be displayed, and the location where it will be maintained. The application must be signed by the applicant.
   (c)    Every person, firm, or corporation to whom a license is granted shall pay an annual fee therefor of two-hundred dollars ($200.00) per year for each machine. The license shall expire one year from the date of issuance. No more than three licenses shall be issued for any place of business and no more than three such games or devices shall be located at any place of business.
   (d)    No transfer of a license either as to person or place shall be permitted, except with the consent of the Mayor, which consent shall be endorsed upon the license.
(Ord. 1982-09. Passed 1-20-82.)