(A) (1) The city reserves such rights and powers which, under applicable federal or state law or regulations, the city must reserve and maintain.
(2) Franchisee agrees to comply with any action or requirements of the city in the exercise of such rights and powers which either have been or shall, subsequent to the grant of said franchise, be enacted or established.
(B) The city may designate and transfer its obligations and duties under the franchise to any elected official, officer, employee, department, agent, board or Commission of the city and a franchisee shall recognize the authority of any such transferee.
(C) The city may inspect all construction or installation work performed pursuant to the franchise grant under this subchapter.
(D) Neither the granting of any franchise hereafter nor any provisions hereof shall constitute a waiver or bar to the exercise of any governmental right or power of the city.
(Ord. 4, series 1979, passed 9-17-1979) Penalty, see § 115.99