(A)   Off-street parking facilities shall be provided on-site, except as otherwise permitted by these regulations, for any building and for any use. However, no parking spaces shall be required in the C-3 commercial district.
   (B)   The number of off-street parking spaces required shall be calculated in accordance with this section, and all such uses and parking facilities shall be governed by the following provisions.
      (1)   A use of building which is legally non-conforming due to inadequate parking spaces may be altered if the additional spaces as required by these regulations are provided.
         (a)   If a non-residential structure is altered in a manner that three or less spaces are required by the alteration, no additional parking spaces shall be required. This exemption does not apply to alterations that increase the number of dwelling units.
         (b)   In addition to on-site parking spaces, required parking spaces may be located on property under the same ownership (or a lease of at least 30 years following commencement of the use) within 500 feet for customers and clientele and within 1,000 feet for employees and staff of the buildings or uses to which it is assigned, provided the location is not in conflict with other provision of these regulations.
         (c)   Parking in required yards are permitted as follows.
            1.   In the R-R, R-E, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-5 districts, parking is permitted in the required front or street side yard only, on a hard surface driveway, not to exceed 20 feet in width and which leads to a garage, carport or rear yard.
            2.   In the R-5A, R-6, R-7, OR-1, OR-2, R-BA, OR-3, OTF and C-N districts, parking areas shall not be permitted in a required front or street side yard and off-street parking areas for non- residential uses in these districts shall not be permitted in a required side yard.
            3.   Parking spaces in all other zones, except PRO, PEC and R-T districts, may extend to the property lines unless they are within 100 feet of a residential or multi-family/office district, in which case they shall observe the front, side and street side yard requirements of the residential or multi-family/office district.
      (2)   Appropriate measures shall be taken so that parking spaces shall not cause any obstruction of, nor in any manner interfere with the free use of an alley, street, sidewalk or adjoining property.
      (3)   Upon application by all parties involved, the Planning Commission may authorize the joint use of off-street parking facilities for uses whose peak hours of operation do not coincide or overlap. Joint use of off-street parking shall be subject to the following.
(Ord. I - series 1990, passed 6-18-1990) Penalty, see § 72.99