(A)   Time sheets, overtime; workers’ compensation.
      (1)   Each Department Head or his or her designee should forward time sheets signed by employees and the Department Head or his or her designee to the Personnel Officer by 10:00 a.m. on every Monday morning.
      (2)   The Department Head or his or her designee should sign or initial time sheets to verify actual hours worked to pay and also verify other hours to pay, such as sick, vacation, military, holiday and training leave for each employee. Time off with pay shall be recorded and explained on the time sheet. Time off without pay should also be explained on the time sheet.
      (3)   If additional changes are made on time sheets by the Department Head or his or her designee, then he or she should initial the change.
      (4)   The Department Head or his or her designee shall authorize all overtime pay. An explanation for the overtime over the employees’ regular schedule should be on the time sheet.
      (5)   Employees should initial all changes of time worked on their time sheets. A line through the incorrect information should be drawn and the correction should be written above the incorrect information.
      (6)   Time off work due to a workers’ compensation claim should be noted on the employee’s time sheet.
   (B)   Employment forms. New employees must complete employment forms on or before the first day of employment.
(Order 10, passed 5-27-1998)