(A) All employees of Woodford County shall be classified as full-time, part-time or temporary.
(1) Regular full-time employee. An employee who averages at least 100 hours per month on a calendar or fiscal year. A regular full-time employee receives the benefits as described in this chapter.
(2) Regular part-time employee. An employee who averages less than 100 hours per month, but on a regularly scheduled basis for an indefinite period (less than 1,200 hours per calendar year and fiscal year).
(3) Temporary employee. An employee who works in a position which is of a temporary nature, either full-time or part-time. The position may be needed to meet a peak workload. The maximum time limit for temporary employees may not exceed 12 months and is not renewable. A break of at least 3 months of service is required before a person may be rehired if the employee was averaging over 100 hours per month.
(B) Only full-time or part-time employees may occupy regular positions.
(C) Full-time employees in regular positions shall be entitled to all benefits provided by the county. Part-time and temporary employees shall not be entitled to any benefits, unless specified otherwise by the Fiscal Court.
(Order 10, passed 5-27-1998)