All buildings and structures designed or planned to be used for human habitation, or used for human habitation which shall, after the enactment of this chapter be built or brought within the limits of the city, or within any area over which the city shall exercise any land use controls, shall meet or exceed the following minimum standards for size, manner of construction, and heating and sanitary facilities:
   (A)   The minimum area of floor space for a single family dwelling shall be 720 square feet, provided that only such area shall have a minimum of 6½ feet of unobstructed space directly above shall be allowed in computing the minimum area of floor space. For dwellings for more than one family, such minimum for each such family shall be at least two-thirds of that specified herein for a single family dwelling.
   (B)   All residence structures shall have a foundation wall which shall support all building walls, and which foundation wall shall be of brick, Portland cement concrete, or hollow concrete block and shall have a minimum depth below the finished grade of not less than 42 inches. Such foundations shall rest upon solid ground, piles, or ranging timbers; provided that where full concrete slabs are used as a base for such structures, the perimeter foundation depth shall be no less than one-half that herein before specified.
   (C)   All residence structures shall have exterior walls, piers, or buttresses not less than six inches thick including interior and exterior finished surfaces.
   (D)   All residence structures shall be roofed with incombustible roofing and such requirement shall also apply to the top covering of dormers, porches, breezeways, and other top weather surfaces.
   (E)   All residence structures shall have a safe heating plant capable of heating such structures to a minimum of 70°F in 0°F weather.
   (F)   All residence structures shall have enclosed within the principle structure washing and toilet facilities which shall drain into a septic tank and catch basin before entering a sewer.
(Ord. 302, passed 3-7-60)  Penalty, see § 150.99