(A)   Normal sewage domestic waste strength should not exceed a biochemical oxygen demand of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid, suspended solids in excess of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid. Additional charges for treating stronger-than-normal domestic waste shall be made on the following basis.
      (1)   Rate surcharge based upon suspended solids.  There shall be an additional charge of $0.02 per pound for suspended solids received in excess of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid.
      (2)   Rate surcharge based upon BOD. There shall be an additional charge of $0.02 per pound of biochemical oxygen demand for BOD received in excess of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid.
   (B)   The determination of suspended solids and five-day biochemical oxygen demand contained in the waste shall be in accordance with the latest copy of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes, as written by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, the Water Pollution Control Federation, and in conformance with Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for Analysis of Pollutants, Regulation CFR 136, published in the Federal Register on October 16, 1973.
(Ord. 505-76, passed 7-20-76)