(A) The city may require users of the treatment works, other than residential users, to supply pertinent information on wastewater flows characteristics. Such measurements, test, and analysis shall be made at the users’ expense. If made by the city an appropriate charge may be assessed to the user at the option of the city.
(B) The owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes or other non- residential wastewater may be required by the city to install a suitable structure together with such necessary meters and other appurtenances in the building to facilitate observation, sampling, and measurement of the wastes. Such structures, when required, shall be accessible and safely located and hall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the city. The structures shall be installed by the owner at his expense and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. Agents of the city, the state water pollution control agencies, and the US Environmental Protection Agency shall be permitted to enter all properties for purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing.
(C) The strength of wastewaters shall be determined; for periodic establishment of charges provided for in §§ 51.075 through 51.087, from samples taken at the aforementioned structure at any period of time and of such duration and in such manner as the city may elect, or, at any place mutually agreed upon between the user and the city. Appropriate charges for sampling and analysis may be assessed to the user at the option of the city. The results of routine sampling and analysis by the user may also be used, for determination of charges after verification by the city.
(D) All measurements, tests, and analysis of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this chapter shall be determined in accordance with latest edition of “Standard Methods” except for applications for NPDES Permits and reports thereof which shall be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the USEPA, published in the federal register October 16,1973 (40 CFR Part 136) and any subsequent revisions subject to approval by the city.
(Ord. 504-76, passed 7-20-76)
Grease, oil, and sand and interceptors or traps shall be provided when, in the opinion of the city, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients, except that such interceptors or types will not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors or traps shall be of a type and capacity approved by the city and shall be located so as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. They shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperatures and shall be of substantial construction, be gas-tight, water-tight, and equipped with easily removable covers. Where installed, all grease, oil, and sand interceptors or traps shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times.
(Ord. 504-76, passed 7-20-76)
Users of the treatment works shall immediately notify the city of any unusual flows or wastes that are discharged accidently or otherwise to the sewer system.
(Ord. 504-76, passed 7-20-76) Penalty, see § 51.999
No statement contained in this subchapter shall be construed as preventing, any special agreement or arrangement between the city and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the city for treatment, subject to payment therefor, by the industrial concern, at such rates as are compatible with the provisions of §§ 51.075 through 51.087.
(Ord. 504-76, passed 7-20-76)
(A) Any person, firm or corporation requesting the privilege to tap into any sewer of the City of Woodburn for the disposal of any sewage shall pay to the Clerk-Treasurer the sum of $1,000 per tap: (1) to service every single-family residential unit; (2) to service each and every individual unit of a multiple residential unit; and (3) to service any commercial, manufacturing or industrial establishment. Said tap fee shall be paid in full to the city for the permission to make such sewer tap and the inspection of the installation thereof by the city.
(B) The charge for each and every mobile home unit to be served either individually or in a mobile home court shall be one-half the sum provided for in division (A) hereof.
(C) In the event a developer of a single-family or multiple-family unit shall pay for the cost of constructing sewers to service said development and said sewers are conveyed to the city to be incorporated into the city’s sewage system or are connected into the city sewage system or become a part thereof, then a charge as provided for in division (A) hereof shall be paid for each tap made to service each residential unit to be serviced.
(Ord. 509-76, passed 1-5-76; Am. Ord. G-02-1128, passed 9-9-02; Am. Ord. G-05-1162, passed 11-21-05)
Every person whose premises are served by the sewage works shall be charged for the services provided. These charges are established for each user class, as defined, in order that the sewage works shall recover, from each user and user class, revenue which is proportional to its use of the treatment works in terms of volume and load. User charges are levied to defray the cost of operation and maintenance (including replacement) of the treatment works. User charges shall be uniform in magnitude within a user class.
(A) User charges are subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, published in the Federal Register August 21, 1973 (38 CFR 22523) and on February 11, 1974 (39 CFR 5252). Replacement costs, which are recovered through the system of user charges, shall be based upon the expected service life of the sewage works plant and equipment.
(B) The various classes of users of the treatment works for the purposes of this chapter, shall be as follows:
Class I Residential
Class II Commercial
Class III Institutional
Class IV Governmental
Class V Industrial
(Ord. 505-76, passed 7-20-76)
For the use of and the service rendered by the sewage works, rates and charges shall be collected from the owners of each and every lot, parcel of real estate or building that is connected with the city sanitary system or otherwise discharges sanitary. Sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids, either directly or indirectly, into the sanitary sewerage system of the city. Such rates and charges include user charges, debt service costs, excessive strength surcharges and other service charges which rates and charges shall by payable as hereinafter provided and shall be in an amount determinable as follows:
(A) The sewage rates and charges shall be based on the quantity of water used on or in the property or premises subject to such rates and charges, as the same is measured by the water meter there in use, except as herein otherwise provided. Water meters will be read periodically, and sewage service bills shall be rendered once each month (or period equaling a month). The water usage schedule on which the amount of said rates and charges shall be determined, shall be as follows:
(1) For each full monthly billing cycle that begins after December 1, 2020, unless superseded as below:
Quantity of Water Used Per Month | Total Monthly Rate Per 1,000 Billed Gallons |
First 2,000 Gallons | $21.68 |
Next 6,000 Gallons | $19.26 |
Next 12,000 Gallons | $16.42 |
Over 20,000 Gallons | $13.47 |
(2) For each full monthly billing cycle that begins after December 1, 2021, unless superseded as below:
Quantity of Water Used Per Month | Total Monthly Rate Per 1,000 Billed Gallons |
First 2,000 Gallons | $22.84 |
Next 6,000 Gallons | $20.30 |
Next 12,000 Gallons | $17.30 |
Over 20,000 Gallons | $14.20 |
(3) For each full monthly billing cycle that begins after December 1, 2022, unless superseded as below:
Quantity of Water Used Per Month | Total Monthly Rate Per 1,000 Billed Gallons |
First 2,000 Gallons | $24.01 |
Next 6,000 Gallons | $21.33 |
Next 12,000 Gallons | $18.19 |
Over 20,000 Gallons | $14.92 |
(B) (1) The minimum charge for any service where the user is a metered customer, shall be based on the size of the meter serving such customer and shall be as follows:
(a) 1. For each full monthly billing cycle that begins after December 1, 2020, unless superseded as below:
Water Meter Size | Monthly Minimum Charge |
Water Meter Size | Monthly Minimum Charge |
5/8 - 3/4 inch | $43.37 |
1 inch | $57.92 |
1 - 1/4 inch | $115.63 |
1 - 1/2 inch | $192.95 |
2 inch | $433.71 |
3 inch | $771.15 |
4 inch | $1,156.64 |
6 inch | $1,927.61 |
1. For customers of the sewage works that are unmetered, the monthly charge shall be based on 6,000 gallons per month as follows:
Residential | Monthly Charge |
Non-metered charge | $120.42 |
(b) 1. For each full monthly billing cycle that begins after December 1, 2021, unless superseded as below:
Water Meter Size | Monthly Minimum Charge |
Water Meter Size | Monthly Minimum Charge |
5/8 - 3/4 inch | $45.69 |
1 inch | $61.02 |
1 - 1/4 inch | $121.82 |
1 - 1/2 inch | $203.29 |
2 inch | $456.94 |
3 inch | $812.47 |
4 inch | $1,218.60 |
6 inch | $2,030.88 |
2. For customers of the sewage works that are unmetered, the monthly charge shall be based on 6,000 gallons per month as follows:
Residential | Monthly Charge |
Non-metered charge | $126.88 |
(c) 1. For each full monthly billing cycle that begins after December 1, 2022, unless superseded as below:
Water Meter Size | Monthly Minimum Charge |
Water Meter Size | Monthly Minimum Charge |
5/8 - 3/4 inch | $48.01 |
1 inch | $64.12 |
1 - 1/4 inch | $128.02 |
1 - 1/2 inch | $213.63 |
2 inch | $480.18 |
3 inch | $853.78 |
4 inch | $1,280.56 |
6 inch | $2,134.14 |
2. For customers of the sewage works that are unmetered, the monthly charge shall be based on 6,000 gallons per month as follows:
Residential | Monthly Charge |
Non-metered charge | $133.34 |
(2) A customer's monthly sewage bill shall be deemed due on the date that such bill is postmarked.
(3) The fees for the services rendered by the said sewage works are hereby found to be non-discriminatory, reasonable just, equitable, and required to maintain the said sewage works in the sound physical and financial condition necessary to render adequate and efficient services.
(4) All fees provided for herein shall be for services rendered by said sewage works and shall remain in full force and effect until properly changed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana.
(5) A copy of the schedule of rates and charges adopted herein shall be kept on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the city.
(6) The express or implied repeal or amendment by this section of any other ordinance or part of any other ordinance does not affect any rights or liabilities accrued, penalties incurred, or procedures begun prior to the effective date of this section. Those rights, liabilities, and proceedings are continued, and penalties shall be imposed and enforced under the repealed or amended ordinance as if this section had not been adopted.
(7) This section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and adoption, and approval by the Mayor. The said rates and charges shall be applied with the first full billing cycle thereafter.
(C) In order that the single family domestic and residential users of the sewage service, who are current on their sewer bill, shall not be penalized for sprinkling lawns during the summer months of June, July, August and September, the billing for sewage service for residences and/or domestic users for those months shall be based upon the water usage for the previous months of December, January, and February. In the event the water usage for the summer months is greater than the average water usage for the summer months, then the billing for sewage services shall be computed on the average water used in the month for which the sewage service bill is being rendered. Domestic and/or residential sewage service as applicable to the sprinkling rate shall apply to each lot, parcel of real estate, or building which is occupied and used as a single family residence. The sprinkling rate shall not apply to any premises which are partially or wholly used for commercial or industrial purposes. In the event a portion of such premises shall be used for commercial or industrial purposes, the owner shall have the privilege of separating the water service so that the residential portion of the premises is served through a separate meter and in such case the water usage as registered by the water meter serving such portion of the premises used for residential purposes would qualify under the sprinkling rate. Any residential customer desiring the sprinkling credit must first make a written request to the city. Any request so made by a residential customer that is more than 30 days delinquent on paying their sewer bill to the city at the time of the request shall be denied the credit.
(D) For the service rendered to the city, the city shall be subject to the same rates and charges herein above provided.
(E) The fees established herein shall be due on the dates of mailing of bills therefor.
(F) A copy of the schedule of rates and charges adopted herein shall be kept on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the city.
(Ord. 505-76, passed 7-20-76; Am. Ord. G-92-1057, passed 7-13-92; Am. Ord. G-94-1070, passed 8-15-94; Am. Ord. G-07-1173, passed 6-18-07; Am. Ord. G-08-1180, passed 6-16-08; Am. Ord. G-10-1192, passed 6-7-10; Am. Ord. G-12-1201, passed 5-21-12; Am. Ord. G-13-1311, passed 11-4-13; Am. Ord. G-14-1315, passed 6-2-14; Am. Ord. G-14-1317, passed 7-7-14; Am. Ord. 17-1352, passed 4-3-17; Am. Ord. 17-1357, passed 11-20-17; Am. Ord. 20-1393, passed 12-7-20)