   The following signs shall be permitted in all Residential Districts:
   (a)   Nameplate and Identification Sign. Nameplate and identification signs shall be permitted in Residential Districts subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Area, location, and content for one- and two-family residential uses. There shall be not more than one nameplate which shall be attached to the structure or free-standing, but not closer than three feet to the property line. Said nameplate shall not exceed one square foot in area for each dwelling unit, and shall indicate only the name and address of the occupant. If a home occupation as permitted by this Zoning Code is conducted on the premises, said occupation may be identified on the residential nameplate, but no additional signage shall be permitted. On a corner lot, two such nameplates shall be permitted for each dwelling unit, one facing each street. No such sign shall project higher than five feet above the level of the ground floor of the structure on which it is mounted.
      (2)   Area, location, and content for nonresidential uses. There shall be not more than one identification sign, which shall be attached to the structure, not to exceed twelve square feet in area and which shall indicate only the name and address of the building. On a corner lot, two such signs, one facing each street, shall be permitted. No such sign shall project higher than one story or fifteen feet above the grade line of the structure on which it is mounted, whichever is lower.
   (b)   "For Sale" and "For Rent" Signs. Signs offering the premises on which they are located "for sale," "for lease," or "for rent" shall be permitted in Residential Districts subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Area and number. There shall be not more than one such sign per zoning lot, except that on a corner zoning lot two signs, one facing each street, shall be permitted. No sign shall exceed twelve square feet.
      (2)   Height. No sign shall project higher than one story if wall mounted, or five feet above the elevation of the nearest point on a public right-of-way line if free-standing.
   (c)   Temporary Signs Accessory to Residential Developments or Other Permitted Improvements. Temporary signs accessory to or having to do with residential developments and other permitted improvements shall be permitted in Residential Districts subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Content. The signs shall be only for the purpose of identification of homes, condominiums, or apartments for sale or rent in the residential development under construction, or for the identification of other nonresidential uses under construction.
      (2)   Area, number, and setback. Such signs shall not exceed two in number for each development, or one for each entrance to a subdivision, nor thirty-two square feet each in area. They shall observe the front yard requirement of the principal use and shall be located at least fifty feet from all other boundaries of the site.
      (3)   Height. No sign shall project higher than seven feet above grade level where it is mounted.
      (4)   Time limitation. The sign or signs shall be removed by the applicant or property owner within two years of the date of the issuance of the building permit.
   (d)   Residential Development Permanent Identification Signs. Residential development permanent identification signs shall be permitted in Residential Districts subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Content. The signs shall bear only the name of the residential development, the address of the building if a multiple-family structure, and the name and address of the management if applicable.
      (2)   Area and number. There shall be not more than one sign located at each entrance to the subdivision or estate. No such sign shall exceed twelve square feet in area.
      (3)   Height. No sign shall project higher than seven feet above grade level where it is mounted.
   (e)   Church Bulletin Boards. Church bulletin boards shall be permitted in Residential Districts subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Area and number. There shall be not more than one sign per lot, except that on a lot exceeding 100 feet of frontage, one sign shall be permitted for each 100 feet of frontage or portion thereof, and on a corner lot, two signs, one facing each street, shall be permitted even if total frontage is less than 100 feet. No sign shall exceed twelve square feet in area.
      (2)   Location. No sign shall be located less than ten feet from any property line.
      (3)   Height. No sign shall project higher than seven feet above the elevation at the nearest point on a public right-of-way line.
   (f)   Signs for Nonconforming Uses. Each nonconforming nonresidential use in a Residential District shall be permitted one accessory sign which shall conform to the requirements of Section 1276.06(b).
   (g)   Signs for Subdivision Lake Access Lots.
      (1)   Area and Number. Up to two signs shall be allowed. Signs shall not exceed twelve square feet each, and there shall be a limit of eighteen square foot of signage per lot.
      (2)   Location and Height. No sign shall exceed seven feet in height above the adjacent ground, and placement must meet setback requirements of the district.
      (3)   Content. The sign shall be only for the purpose of identification of the specified lake access lot and/or for the rules governing the lot.
(Ord. 106. Passed 12-9-81; Ord. 106A-56. Passed 7-11-12.)
   (a)   Signs for Residential District Uses in Office Districts. Signs for Residential District uses in Office Districts shall be governed by the sign regulations for Residential District uses set forth in Section 1276.04.
   (b)   Wall Mounted Identification Signs for Office and Other Nonresidential Permitted Uses. Identification signs shall be permitted in Office Districts subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Area and content. A single identification sign, not exceeding thirty-two square feet in area, and indicating only the name and address of the building, the name of the management, and the names of each of the tenants, may be displayed. On a corner zoning lot two such signs, one facing each street, shall be permitted.
      (2)   Location. No such sign shall project more than twelve inches from the face of the wall of the building. The top of such sign shall be no higher than the following heights, whichever is lowest:
         A.   Fifteen feet above grade.
         B.   The top of the sills of the first level of windows above the first story.
         C.   The height of the building at the eaves facing the street on which the sign is located.
      (3)   Wall mounted electronic message signs. Wall mounted electronic message signs are allowed in an Office District, and are subject to the following additional regulations:
         A.   The electronic display shall not be animated, flashing or scrolling.
         B.   The frequency of the message change shall be restricted to no more than eight times a day.
         C.   The maximum area of an electronic message board shall be considered a part of a wall sign and shall not exceed fifty percent of the total sign area as allowed per zoning district and sign regulations.
         D.   The maximum height of an electronic message board shall conform to the height regulations for signs allowed in the zoning district.
         E.   The electronic message sign may not display light of such intensity or brilliance to cause glare, impair the vision of an ordinary driver, or constitute a nuisance. Maximum daylight sign luminance level shall not exceed 62,000 candelas per meter squared at 40,000 lux illumination beginning one-half hour after sunrise and continuing until one-half hour before sunset and does not exceed 375 candelas per meter squared at four lux illumination at all other times. * E (illuminance) = I (luminance) / S (distance) Illuminance (lux) is a measure of the intensity of incident light on a surface per unit area. Luminance (candela/m2 or NIT) is a measure of the amount of light passing through, or emitted from, an area, traveling in a given direction.
         F.   Prior to the issuance of a sign permit, the applicant shall provide written certification from the sign manufacturer that the light intensity has been factory-programmed not to exceed the above listed light levels, and that the intensity level is protected from end-user manipulation by password-protected software or other method satisfactory to the Village of Wolverine Lake.
   (c)   Signs for Nonconforming Uses. Signs for nonconforming nonresidential district uses in an Office District shall conform to the requirements of subsection (b) hereof.
(Ord. 106. Passed 12-9-81; Ord. 106-A93. Passed 12-10-14.)
   (a)   Signs for Residential District Uses in Commercial Districts. Signs for Residential District uses in Commercial Districts shall be governed by the sign regulations for Residential District uses set forth in Section 1276.04.
   (b)   Wall-Mounted Identification Signs. Wall-mounted identification signs shall be permitted in Commercial Districts subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Area and number, C-1 District. The gross area in square feet of all signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed one and one-half square feet for each linear foot of building frontage or one-half square foot for each linear foot of lot frontage, whichever results in the larger sign area; however, the maximum total area of all permitted signs for any establishment shall not exceed 150 square feet, and no individual sign shall be more than sixty-four square feet in area. Where more than four signs are located on any zoning lot, the fifth such sign and each succeeding sign, respectively, shall reduce the total allowable sign area by twenty percent.
      (2)   Area and number, C-2 and C-3 Districts. The gross area in square feet of all signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed one and one-half square feet for each linear foot of building frontage or one-half square foot for each linear foot of lot frontage, whichever results in the larger sign area; however, the maximum total area of all permitted signs for any establishment shall not exceed 200 square feet. Where more than four signs are located on any zoning lot, the fifth such sign and each succeeding sign, respectively, shall reduce the total allowable sign area by twenty percent.
      (3)   Location. No such sign shall project more than twelve inches from the face of the wall of the building. The top of such sign shall be no higher than the following heights, whichever is lowest:
         A.   Fifteen feet above grade.
         B.   The top of the sills of the first level of windows above the first story.
         C.   The height of the building at the eaves facing the street on which the sign is located.
      (4)   Wall-mounted electronic message signs. Wall mounted electronic message signs are allowed in a Commercial District. They are subject to the regulations for wall-mounted signs and are subject to the additional regulations outlined in Section 1276.05 (b)(3).
   (c)   Free-Standing Signs. For shopping centers in single ownership or under unified control, or individual uses with a minimum frontage of 150 feet, one additional sign on each street frontage, other than those regulated in subsection (b) hereof, shall be permitted, subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Content. Such sign shall advertise only the name and location of such center or individual use and/or the name and type of business of each occupant of the center.
      (2)   Area, C-1 District. The gross area in square feet permitted for the additional sign on a zoning lot shall not exceed thirty-two square feet.
      (3)   Area, C-2 and C-3 Districts. The gross area in square feet permitted for the additional sign on a zoning lot shall not exceed thirty-six square feet.
      (4)   Setback. Such sign shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the front lot of such center or individual use.
      (5)   Height, C-I District. No sign shall project higher than seven feet above the elevation of the nearest point on a public right-of-way line.
      (6)   Height, C-2 and C-3 Districts. No sign shall project higher than eight feet above the elevation of the nearest point on a public right-of-way line.
      (7)   Distance from other permitted signs. Such sign shall be located at least fifty feet from any other permitted sign on the zoning lot and fifty feet from any existing free-standing sign on an adjacent zoning lot.
      (8)   Free-standing electronic message signs. Free-standing electronic message signs are allowed in a Commercial District. The maximum area of an electronic message board shall be considered a part of a free-standing sign and shall not exceed fifty percent of the total sign area as allowed per zoning district and sign regulations. They are subject to the regulations for freestanding signs and are also subject to the additional regulations outlined in Section 1276.05 (b)(3).
   (d)   Permanent Window Signs. Permanent signs shall be permitted on the inside of the glass of windows, provided that the total area of such a sign does not exceed thirty percent of the area of the window in which it is located and provided that the area of the sign is counted in determining the total area of signs on the zoning lot. Permanent electronic message signs in windows are allowed in a Commercial District. They are subject to the regulations for permanent window signs listed here and are subject to the additional regulations outlined in Section 1276.05 (b)(3). Electronic "open" signs are considered electronic message signs.
   (e)   Temporary Window Signs Advertising Sales. Temporary signs pertaining to special sales or events lasting no more than fifteen days may be affixed to windows, provided that their total area does not exceed thirty percent of the window area. Such signs shall not be counted in determining the total area of signs on the zoning lot.
   (f)   Signs for Nonconforming Uses. Signs for nonconforming nonresidential uses in a Commercial District shall conform to all the provisions of this section.
   (g)   Free-Standing and Wall Mounted Advertising Signs. Free-standing and wall-mounted advertising signs shall be allowed in the C-2 and C-3 Districts, subject to the following controls:
      (1)   Advertising signs shall be counted in determining the total sign area permitted on the zoning lot.
      (2)   Free-standing advertising signs shall not be permitted on zoning lots with another free-standing sign.
      (3)   Free-standing and wall-mounted signs must be in accordance with requirements listed for C-2 and C-3 Districts per division (c)(3) of this section.
      (4)   Free-standing electronic message signs must be in accordance with requirements listed for C-2 and C-3 Districts per division (c)(3) of this section, and the additional requirements outlined in Section 1276.05(a)(3).
   (h)   Portable signs may be displayed subject to the following controls:
      (1)   In situations deemed by the Village Administration to be unique or unusual, upon payment of a special case fee, the amount of which will from time to time be set by resolution of Council, the Administrator may determine the sign's shape and number of portable signs allowed in a given case. All non-special case portable signs shall be governed by the following paragraphs.
      (2)   Signs may not exceed a total height above grade of six feet or exceed a total width of four feet or a gross sign area of twelve square feet.
      (3)   No more then two signs per street frontage, limited to the gross sign area or twelve square feet combined per street frontage.
      (4)   All portable signs must be removed at the end of the business day and are not allowed at any time that the business on the lot is closed.
      (5)   No signs shall be allowed which interfere with road or highway visibility or give off light which glares, blinds or has any other such adverse effect on traffic or adjacent properties or obstruct or otherwise interfere with any driveway public or private or interfere with the safe and orderly movement in traffic or could be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device or which otherwise pose a hazard to traffic due to structural deficiencies in the structure of such signs.
      (6)   No signs which emit or utilize in any manner any sound capable of being detected on any traveled road or highway by a person with normal hearing abilities.
(Ord. 106. Passed 12-9-81; Ord. 106-A42. Passed 10-13-04; Ord. 106- A45. Passed 10-10-07; Ord. 106-A94. Passed 12-10-14.)