(A)   Off-street parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building.
   (B)   All open off-street parking areas except required parking spaces accessory to a single-family dwelling shall be graded and paved or otherwise improved with an all-weather, dustless material.
   (C)   All open off-street parking areas containing more than six parking spaces shall be effectively screened on each side that adjoins any property situated in a residential district by a wall, fence, or densely planted compact hedge not less than five feet nor more than eight feet in height.
   (D)   Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential properties in such a way as not to interfere with the residential use.
   (E)   No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in association with any off-street parking facilities.
(Ord., passed 2-18-64)