(A)   All premises used for retail sale of alcoholic liquor or for the storage of liquor for sale shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall be kept in compliance with laws and ordinances regulating the condition of premises used for the storage or sale of food for human consumption, and in particular shall be kept in compliance with an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Defining Restaurants, Itinerant Restaurants, Food and Adulterated Food, requiring permits for the operation of such establishments, prohibiting the sale of adulterated, unwholesome or misbranded food or drink, regulating the inspection of such establishments, the enforcement of this Ordinance, and the fixing of Penalties", passed and approved by the County Board of Supervisors and bearing an effective date of January 11, 1960. ('79 Code, § 2121)
   (B)   In complying with division (A) of this section as it pertains to clean and sanitary conditions where liquor and food are served for human consumption, the following shall be deemed acts in violation of and contrary to the standard for cleanliness as required by this section:
      (1)   Emptied liquor or food containers, food scraps, or other items not reusable in conjunction with the service of liquor and/or food shall not be permitted to be accumulated in any area on premises used for the sale of alcoholic liquor, and the provision for the total removal of items so accumulated shall occur not less than once each week.
      (2)   Persons operating premises used for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor or food for human consumption are prohibited from maintaining open boxes, pits, mud, or gravel or clay areas where grease, dirt, or other substances may, as the result of walking, kicking, playing, or other activities, such as mud wrestling, cause or facilitate the introduction of said substances into the liquor or food of patrons frequenting the premises.
('79 Code, § 2121-A) (Ord. 1980-O-5, passed 5-6-80) Penalty, see § 110.99