(A)   No license holder shall establish, suffer, allow, promote or permit in any other way any organized outdoor sports activity upon the licensed premises without having first obtained a separate Sports Activity Permit from the Village President under this section.
   (B)   The following basic procedure shall be followed by all license holders who may wish to obtain a Sports Activity Permit:
      (1)   The holder shall submit an application on the form provided, together with a plot plan showing the proposed area for the activity and indicating all natural and artificial bufferyards, fences, berms or other isolating factors, all proposed or existing lighting in the affected area and all proposed sound amplification devices or equipment, accompanied with payment of an application fee in the amount of $250;
      (2)   The Village Clerk shall accept the application, and shall forthwith determine the names and addresses of all persons and entities owning land that adjoins the licensed premises or which is within 200 feet thereof;
      (3)   The Village Clerk shall set the matter for discussion before the entire Village Board on a date not less than 20 nor more than 40 days after the submission of the application, and, not less than 15 nor more than 30 days before the hearing, shall both send, via certified mail, a notice of the application and hearing date to all landowners so identified, and further publish the same notice at least once, in one or more newspapers published within the village, or if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the village and which is either published or first offered for sale in Lake County, Illinois;
      (4)   Upon the designated day, the Village Board shall hold a public hearing on the said application, and shall permit the license holder and any landowner the opportunity to present any evidence or commentary favoring or disfavoring the application, provided that the rules of order shall still apply, and the President may limit or close discussion as may be appropriate and the Board may consider all evidence that it may deem appropriate, relevant or necessary to its decision;
      (5)   At the close of all comments, the Board shall vote on the application, and no application shall be granted except by a favorable majority vote of the corporate authorities then holding office, provided that the grant of such permit may be limited or conditioned upon such factors as the Board may require to best ensure the privacy rights of the adjoining landowners, while respecting the rights of the license holder to conduct legitimate business enterprises upon the licensed property.
   (C)   The Sports Activity Permit may be suspended by the Village President upon written notice for a period not to exceed 30 days and such notice shall advise the permittee the reason for the suspension and shall be based upon an incident or pattern demonstrating to the President a reasonable probability that the permitted activity has or will adversely and unfairly impact upon the privacy rights of the adjoining landowners or that it has created or will create a dangerous situation for the patrons of the permittee.
   (D)   The Sports Activity Permit may also be revoked following a public hearing by majority vote of the corporate authorities then holding office following a written notice issued by the Village President, which hearing shall be held at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Village Board within any period of suspension set by the President, and at such hearing, all persons affected by the sports activity shall be allowed to voice their opinions and evidence.
   (E)   Notwithstanding any provision herein, no licensee shall be granted any Sports Activity Permit if that licensee's property shall lie within 3,000 feet of any residential property.
(Ord. 1998-O-13, passed 7-7-98)