90.01 Definitions
90.02 Keeping livestock and/or fowl
90.03 Livestock at large; grazing in streets
90.04 Keeping bees
90.05 Diseased animals generally
90.06 Biting or attacking dogs or other animals
90.07 Rabid animals
90.08 Running at large
90.09 Control of defecation
90.10 Inoculation against rabies
90.11 Domestic animals disturbing quiet or damaging property
90.12 Dogs or cats are prohibited in certain places; exception
90.13 When muzzles are required
90.14 Tags
90.15 Dogs running at large
90.16 Maximum numbers of domestic animals
90.17 Impounding
90.18 Killing dangerous animals
90.19 Proclamation requiring muzzling
90.20 Injurious species
90.21 Regulations for the keeping of domestic hen chickens
90.99 Penalties