(A)   There shall be a charge, hereinafter designated turn-on and/or turn-off fee, whenever water service has been terminated or reinstated either upon request of the owner or by reason of non-payment for service, of $50 each, which shall be reviewed from time to time by the President and Board of Trustees. In the event a curb stop is inaccessible, plugged, or damaged, refer to § 50.085.
   (B)   The Superintendent shall be notified 24 hours in advance where the turning-on and/or turning off of the water seal is not of an immediate or urgent nature. Provision of turn-on and/or turn-off service shall be made routinely available during the regular business hours of the Public Works Department. Any request for such service at other times shall be considered by the Superintendent of Public Works and provided at the reasonable convenience of the Public Works Department and may be dependent on factors such as work load and available staff. If expedited service is requested beyond what the Superintendent so offers, the owner may pay a double fee and the Superintendent shall provide the service as the owner requests, provided staff is available to do so.
   (C)   No seal placed by the Sewerage and Waterworks Department for the protection of any meter, valve, fitting, or other water connection shall be defaced or broken except on written authority from the Superintendent.
   (D)   No person not duly authorized shall turn on or off any service cock, or use water therefrom when so turned on. The person so using or wasting water in such unlawful manner shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 50.999 and shall also be liable to pay therefor at the regular water rates.
   (E)   No person, other than members of the Fire Department shall use water from any fire hydrant connected with the village waterworks system, except for extinguishing fire or unless especially authorized by the Superintendent.
('79 Code, § 1107) (Ord. 1983-O-5, passed 4-19-83; Am. Ord. 1986-O-30, passed 10-24-86; Am. Ord. 1995-O-01, passed 2-21-95; Am. Ord. 2015-O-4, passed 2-3-15) Penalty, see § 50.999