(A)   During any declared water shortage crisis by federal, state or local government officials, the village will take the following necessary measures to reduce water demand to a minimum level necessary to maintain the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the village as follows, to wit:
      (1)   Place a ban on all external residential water uses including, but not limited thereto, watering of lawn, outdoor swimming pools and washing of cars;
      (2)   Impose industrial use restrictions including, but not limited to, the shutting down of all water using processes;
      (3)   Require the closing and shutting down of all commercial car washes of any type;
      (4)   Impose reasonable daily per capita consumption limits on all residents;
      (5)   Require the installation of water-saving devices including, but not limited to, shower head flow restrictors and toilet tank displacement reducers; and
      (6)   Institute and carry out consumer education programs.
   (B)   During the period of May 15 through September 15 of each calendar year, lawn sprinkling (meaning the transfer of water by means of hoses, tubing, pipes or otherwise from any water source under the control of the Public Works Department to any lawn or any outdoor plants or vegetation) is hereby limited as follows:
      (1)   The residents of the village shall limit lawn sprinkling to every other day, with residents with odd numbered addresses watering their premises only on odd numbered days, and even numbered addresses watering their premises only on even numbered days.
      (2)   Lawn sprinkling is prohibited between noon and 6:00 p.m.
   (C)   Failure to obey an order to limit or cease use of water during a declared water shortage crisis, or performing lawn sprinkling on a day other than one assigned to a premises by § 50.013, or between the hours of 12:00 o'clock noon and 6:00 o'clock p.m. in violation of § 50.013, shall constitute a violation of this section.
   (D)   Any person, corporation, partnership or entity who violates this section shall be fined as set forth in § 50.999. In addition, the Mayor may limit or cut off the water supply to any structure or premises which fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this section with or without notice, until said structure and all facilities appurtenant thereto comply with the standards of this section, or until the end of a declared water shortage crisis.
   (E)   Exceptions.
      (1)   Watering using hand held devices will be permitted at any time.
      (2)   The watering of new landscaping for not more than 14 consecutive days between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. with automatic and/or hand held watering devices may be permitted upon proper permit by the village.
(Ord. 1990-O-21, passed 8-8-90)