(a)   Only temporary buildings shall be constructed in conjunction with any mining, excavating, or quarrying operation, including temporary processing plants and equipment for extracting, processing, or stock piling of sand, gravel, stone, coal, or similar products, which plants shall be dismantled and removed within a period of four (4) months following cessation of operations.
   (b)   All equipment used in these operations shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in such manner as to eliminate as far as practicable noise, vibration or dust which would injure or annoy persons residing in the vicinity, and access ways or roads within the premises shall be maintained in a dust-free condition through surfacing or such other treatment as may be necessary.
   (c)   No mining, excavating or quarrying operation shall be carried out or permitted within 75 feet of any boundary line of the land owned or leased, as indicated by legal description when applying for the zoning certificate and no such operation shall be permitted within 75 feet of the right-of-way line of any existing or platted street, road, highway, or railway.
   (d)   Before any mining, excavating or quarrying operations shall begin, a plan for both the development (mining, excavating, or quarrying) and rehabilitation of the site shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission and Legislative Body. Rehabilitation plans shall require the rehabilitation of such mining site to a point where the projected future land-use, as reflected on the appropriate Comprehensive Plan, can be established and maintained on the site. Development and Rehabilitation plans shall show at least the following:
   (e)   Mines: All mining operations shall show (1) the maximum peripheral limitations of the mining operation, (2) maximum contemplated depth of operation, (3) methodology of operation, either open-pit type operation or shaft-type operation, and (4) intended reuse of land.
   (f)   Poisonous or noxious gases, acids, or other materials: Any mine or mining operation which, at the conclusion of such operation, leaves residue of radioactive particles, poisonous or noxious liquids capable of percolation, shall be permanently sealed by an approved method.
   (g)   Fill operation: Open-pit or shaft mines may be filled with the following required fill material: soil bank earth, common earth, stone, rock, broken concrete. Materials containing food content, animal or vegetable content are prohibited except as hereinafter permitted.
   (h)   Quarries and other excavations: All quarries or other excavations shall either be made to a water-producing depth, plus five (5) feet, or graded and backfilled with non-noxious and nonflammable solids as permitted in subsection (g) hereof, to assure (1) that the excavated area will not collect and retain stagnant water, or (2) that the graded or backfilled surface will create a gently rolling topography to minimize erosion by wind and rain and to substantially conform to the contours of the surrounding area.