(a)   Purpose. The I2 General Industrial District is designed to accommodate those industrial activities which may produce moderate nuisances or hazards in areas that are relatively remote from residential and business development.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      1.   a.   Uses permitted in the District are subject to the following conditions.
            (1)   Dwelling units and lodging rooms--other than watchmen's quarters--are not permitted.
            (2)   All business, servicing, or processing, within 300 feet of a Residence or Business District shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
            (3)   All storage within 300 feet of a Residence District--except of motor vehicles in operable condition--shall be within completely enclosed buildings or effectively screened by a solid wall or fence (including solid entrance and exit gates) not less than six (6) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in height.
      2.   The following uses are permitted in the I2 District:
          (1)   Any use permitted in the I1 District.
          (2)   Abrasives manufacture.
          (3)   Asphalt products manufacture.
          (4)   Bottling companies.
          (5)   Brick and structural clay products manufacture.
          (6)   Chemical processing and manufacturing.
         (7)   Concrete mixing plants.
          (8)   Electroplating.
          (9)   Feed mills.
         (10)   Food manufacture, packaging, and processing.
         (11)   Foundries and forge plants.
         (12)   Grain storage and processing.
         (13)   Graphite products manufacture.
         (14)   Gypsum manufacture.
         (15)   Heavy machinery production.
         (16)   Leather tanning or processing.
         (17)   Linoleum manufacturing.
         (18)   Machine shop.
         (19)   Meat packing.
         (20)   Metal reduction and refinement.
         (21)   Metal stamping.
         (22)   Mining operations.
         (23)   Paint products manufacture.
         (24)   Paper products manufacture.
         (25)   Petroleum products storage or processing.
         (26)   Plastics manufacture.
         (27)   Rubber processing or manufacture.
         (28)   Sewage treatment plants, municipal.
         (29)   Soap manufacture.
         (30)   Steel manufacture.
         (31)   Stone products manufacture.
         (32)   Woodworking and wood products.
   (c)   Lot Requirements. None.
   (d)   Yard Requirements.
      a.   All Uses
         (1)   Front Yard. In the I2 District, there shall be no front yard requirement.
         (2)   Side Yards. In the I2 District, there shall be no side yard requirements.
         (3)   Rear Yard. In the I2 District, there shall be no rear yard requirements.
         (4)   Transitional Yards. In the I2 District, the regulations governing transitional yards in the I1 District shall apply.
   (e)   Floor Area Ratio. In the I2 District, floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0.
   (f)   Signs. In the I2 District, business signs and advertising devices are permitted subject to the following conditions:
      a.   General Application.
         (1)   Area. The gross area in square feet of all signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed two (2) times the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot; however, the gross area of all flashing signs shall not exceed the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot. Where more than four (4) signs are located on any zoning lot, the fifth such sign and each succeeding sign respectively, shall reduce the total allowable sign area by 20 percent.
         (2)   Location. No sign shall be located less than 15 feet from any property line.
         (3)   Height. No sign shall project higher than 50 feet above curb level.
      b.   Industrial Parks. For industrial parks, one (1) additional sign on each street frontage--other than those regulated in a., above--shall be permitted, subject to the following:
         (1)   Content. Such sign shall advertise only the name and location of such industrial park and name and type of business of each occupant of the park.
         (2)   Area. The gross area in square feet of the additional sign on a zoning lot shall not exceed two (2) times the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot. However, the gross surface area of such additional sign, if flashing, shall not exceed the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot.
         (3)   Setback. Such sign shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the front lot line of such industrial park.
         (4)   Height. No sign shall project higher than 50 feet above curb level.
   (g)   Off-Street Park Requirements. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with Section 1145.01 et seq.
   (h)   Off-Street Loading Requirements. Off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with Section 1145.03 et seq..