(a)   Permitted Uses. Permitted uses of land or buildings, as hereinafter listed, shall be permitted in the districts indicated under the conditions specified. No buildings or zoning lot shall be devoted to any use other than a use permitted hereinafter in the zoning district in which such building or zoning lot shall be located, with the exception of the following:
(1)   Uses lawfully established on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance;
      (2)   Uses already established on the effective date of this Ordinance, and rendered nonconforming by the provisions thereof, shall be subject to the regulations of Chapter 1149.
   (b)   Performance Standards. No use established in an Industrial District after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be so operated as to exceed the performance standards established hereinafter. Any use already established on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be permitted to be altered, enlarged, expanded, or modified, provided that any new sources of noise, vibration, smoke and particulate matter, toxic matter, odorous matter, and glare shall conform to the performance standards established hereinafter for the district in which such use is located.
   (c)   Limitations.
      (1)   Noise Limitations. Sound levels shall be measured with a sound level meter and associated octave band filter manufactured according to standards prescribed by the United States Standards Institute. Impulsive type noises shall be subject to the performance standards hereinafter prescribed provided that such noises shall be capable of being accurately measured with such equipment. Noises capable of being so measured, for the purpose of this Ordinance shall be those noises which cause rapid fluctuations of the needle of the sound level meter with a variation of no more than plus or minus two decibels. Noises incapable of being so measured, such as those of an irregular and intermittent nature, shall be controlled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent uses.
No industrial activity shall be responsible for the transmission of noise across any residential or business zoning district boundary line in excess of the level established below:
                                  Sound Level in Decibels
                           (Re .002 microbar)
Octave Band    8:01 A.M.--    10:01 P.M.--
Preferred Center Frequency 10:00 P.M.    8:00 A.M.
   31.5    79    73
   63    74    68
   125    68    62
   250    60    54
   500    55    49
   1,000    50    44
   2,000    46    40
   4,000    41    35
   8,000    38    32
      (2)   Vibration Limitations.
         A.   Earthborne Vibrations from any industrial operation, equipment, or process shall not constitute a nuisance nor exceed the displacement limits set forth herein. Vibrations shall be expressed as displacement in inches and shall be measured with a three-component measuring system.
         B.   No industrial activity shall be responsible for the transmission of earthborne vibrations across any residence or business zoning district boundary line in excess of the displacement limits established through use of the following formula:
D = f
where D = the maximum allowable displacement in inches
f = the vibration frequency in cycles per second
      (3)   Smoke and Particulate Matter Limitations.
         A.   General Limitations. In addition to the performance standards specified hereinafter, the emission of smoke or particulate matter in such manner or quantity as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall henceforth be unlawful.
Particulate matter emissions caused by the wind from open storage areas, yards, roads, etc., within lot lines shall be kept to a minimum by appropriate landscaping, paving, oiling, wetting, or other means.
For the purpose of determining the density or equivalent capacity of smoke, the Ringelmann Chart as adopted and published by the United States Bureau of Mines in Circular No. 8333 shall be employed.
No industrial operation shall cause or allow to be emitted into the open air from any process or control equipment, or to pass any convenient measuring point in a breeching or stack, dust in the gases to exceed 0.85 pounds per thousand pounds of gases adjusted to 12 percent C02 content for the products of combustion.
         B.   Permitted Smoke Emission. Within 1,000 feet of a residence or business zoning district boundary line, the continuous emission of smoke from any vent, stack, chimney, or combustion process shall have a density or equivalent capacity of less than Ringelmann No. 1.
Smoke in excess of Ringelmann No. 1, but not exceeding Ringelmann No. 2, shall be permitted for five (5) minutes in any one hour. Smoke not exceeding Ringelmann No. 3 shall be permitted for five (5) minutes during any eight-hour period for purposes of fire-cleaning only. Smoke in excess of Ringelmann No. 3 is prohibited.
      (4)   Toxic Matter Limitations. In any Industrial District, toxic materials which are released shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the maximum permissible airborne concentration allowed an industrial worker when measured at any point beyond the lot line, either at ground level or habitable elevation, whichever is more restrictive. When maximum permissible airborne concentrations of toxic materials allowed are not contained in the most recent list of Threshold Limit Values published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, the applicant shall satisfy the Health Officer that proposed levels will be safe to the general population.
      (5)   Odorous Matter Limitations. The release of odorous matter from any Industrial District across Residence or Business District boundary lines shall be so controlled that, at ground level or at habitable elevations, the concentration shall not exceed the odor threshold. Further, the release of odorous matter across lot lines shall not become a nuisance or source of discomfort to neighboring uses.
      (6)   Glare Limitations. In any industrial District, any operation or activity pro ducing intense glare shall be so conducted that direct and indirect illumination from the source of light shall not cause illumination in excess of one-half (½) of one foot candle when measured at any Residence District boundary line. Flickering or intense sources of light shall be so controlled as not to cause a nuisance across any lot lines.
      (7)   Fire and Explosive Hazards.
         A.   Any use established in an Industrial District after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be so operated as to comply with the performance standards governing fire and explosion hazards set forth hereinafter for the district in which such use shall be located. No use already established on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be so altered or modified as to conflict with, or further conflict with, the performance standards governing fire and explosion hazards established hereinafter for the district in which such use is located.
         B.   Activities involving the storage, utilization, or manufacture of materials or products which decompose by detonation are permitted only in accordance with the regulations of each district. Such materials shall include, but shall not be limited to: all primary ex plosives such as lead azide, lead styphnate, fulminates and tetracene; all high explosives such as TNT, RDX, HMX PETN, and picric acid; propellants and components, thereof such as nitrocellulose, black powder, boron hydrides, hydrazine and its derivatives; pyrotechnics and firework such as magnesium powder, potassium chlorate and potassium nitrate; blasting explosives such as dynamite and nitro- glycerine; unstable organic compounds such as acetylides tetrazoles and ozonides; strong oxidizing agent such as liquid oxygen, perchloric acid, perchlorates, chlorates, and hydrogen peroxide in concentrations greater than 35 percent; and nuclear fuels, fissionable materials and products, and reactor elements such as Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239.
      (8)   I1 Restricted Industrial District Fire and Explosion Hazard Regulations.
g-1(a)   Activities involving the manufacture, storage, and utilization of materials or products which decompose by detonation are prohibited.
g-1(b)   The storage, utilization, or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from incombustible to moderate burning is permitted.
g-1(c)   The storage, utilization, or manufacture of solid or products ranging from free or active burning to intense burning is permitted provided that said materials or products are stored, manufactured, or utilized in fire resistant and fire protected buildings or spaces. Said materials or products may be stored outdoors but no closer than 50 feet to property lines.
g-1(d)   The storage (exclusive of finished products in original sealed containers), utilization, or manufacture of flammable liquids or materials which produce flammable or explosive vapors or gases shall be permitted in accordance with the following table:
Total Quantities of Flammable Permitted in I1 District In (Gallons*)

Materials Having A Closed Cup Flash Point of:

Industries Engaged in Storage for Resale
Industries Engaged in Utilization or Manufacture, With Storage as Ancillary Use
Above Ground

Above Ground

Less than 105F.
105F. to 187F.
Greater than 187F.
   *   When flammable gases are stored, utilized, or manufactured and measured in cubic feet, the quantity in cubic feet (at standard temperature and pressure) permitted shall not exceed thirty (30) times the quantities as listed above.
      (9)   General Industrial District Fire and Explosion Hazard Regulations.
g-2(a)   Activities involving the manufacture of materials or products which decompose by detonation are prohibited. Activities which are incidental to the major industrial usage requiring the storage or utilization of materials or products which decompose by detonation are permitted.
g-2(b)   The storage, utilization, or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from incombustible to moderate burning is permitted.
g-2(c)   The storage, utilization, or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from free or active burning to intense burning is permitted provided that said materials or products are stored, manufactured, or utilized in fire resistant and fire protected buildings or spaces. Said materials or products may be stored outdoors but no closer than 50 feet to property lines.
The storage (exclusive of finished products in original sealed containers), utilization or manufacture of flammable liquids or materials which produce flammable or explosive vapors or gases shall be permitted in accordance with the following table:
Total Quantities of Flammable Marterials Permitted in I1 District
( In Gallons*)

Materials Having A Closed Cup Flash Point of:
Industries Engaged in Storage for Resale
Industries Engaged in Utilization or Manufacture
Above Ground

Above Ground

Less than 105F.
105F. to 187F.
Greater than 187F.
   *   When flammable gases are stored, utilized, or manufactured and measured in cubic feet, the quantity in cubic feet (at standard temperatures and pressure) permitted shall not exceed thirty (30) times the quantities as listed above.
   (d)   Yards.
      (1)   Where the property utilizes fences or walls a minimum thirty-foot buffer shall be used. Said fences or walls shall be six feet in height and constructed of wood, iron, decorative aluminum, stone, brick or decorative block or concrete. Where new fencing would create a continuous surface greater than ten feet in length, such new fencing shall be required to have tree and/or shrub plantings with a minimum of three feet.
      (2)   Where the property utilizes screen plantings a minimum twenty foot buffer shall be used. Said screen plantings shall have a minimum height when planted of six feet and should be of such size, species and spacing as can reasonably be maintained within the property line.
      (3)   Should a safety or fire zone or lane be deemed necessary by the Village safety forces, the Code Enforcement Officer, Police, Fire Department, Street Department, Planning Commission, or Village Administrator such area shall be in addition to any landscaped or buffer area described herein.
         (Ord. 2001-12. Passed 6-5-01; Ord. 2023-09. Passed 4-20-23.)
   (e)   Floor Area Ratio. The floor area ratio requirements--as set forth under each zoning district--shall determine the maximum floor area allowable for the building or buildings (total floor area of both principal and accessory buildings) in direct ratio to the gross area of the zoning lot.
   (f)   Signs. Signs located in the Industrial Districts shall be classified and regulated in accordance with the requirements under each zoning district.
   (g)   Off-Street Parking Requirements. Off-street parking facilities for motor vehicles in Industrial Districts shall be provided in accordance with the regulations established in Section 1145.01 et seq.
   (h)   Off-Street Loading Requirements. Off-street loading berths, accessory to uses allowed in Industrial Districts, shall be provided as required in Section 1145.01 et seq.