(a)   Purpose. The B2 Community District is designed to accommodate the needs of a much larger consumer population than is served by the Convenience Shopping District--thus a wider range of uses is permitted for both daily and occasional shopping.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      1.   a.   Uses permitted in the B2 District are subject to the following conditions:
            (1)   Dwelling units and rooming units are not permitted below the second floor.
            (2)   All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced.
            (3)   All business, servicing, or processing, except for off-street parking or loading, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
            (4)   Establishments of the "drive-in" type offering goods or services directly to customers waiting in parked motor vehicles are not permitted.
            (5)   The unenclosed parking of trucks as an accessory use, when used in the conduct of a permitted business use listed hereafter in this section, shall be limited to vehicles of not over one and one-half (1-1/2) tons capacity when located within 75 feet of a Residence District boundary line.
         b.   Any use permitted in the B1 District shall be permitted in the B2 District; and, in addition, the following uses shall be permitted:
            (1)   Antique shops.
             (2)   Apartment hotels.
            (3)   Art, sculptor, and composer studios.
             (4)   Educational services.
             (5)   (a)   Schools; music, dance, and business.
               (b)   Schools; commercial or business machine, but not trade schools or vocational.
            (5)   Art shops or galleries, but not including auction rooms.
             (6)    Automobile accessory store and service stations.
             (7)   Bakeries, retail
             (8)   Banks and financial institutions, including drive-in-banks.
             (9)   Bicycle sales, rental, and repair stores.
            (10)   Blueprinting and photostating establishments.
            (11)   Book and stationery stores.
            (12)   Business machine sales and service.
            (13)   Camera and photographic supply stores.
            (14)   Carpet and rug store, retail stores only.
            (15)   Catering establishments.
            (16)   China and glassware stores.
            (17)    Clothing and costume rental stores.
            (18)   Clubs and lodges, nonprofit and fraternal.
            (19)   Coin and philatelic stores.
            (20)    Custom dressmaking
            (21)    Dairy products.
            (22)    Department stores.
            (23)   Dry cleaning establishments.
            (24)   Dry good stores.
            (25)   Electrical and household appliance stores, including minor repair service.
            (26)   Employment agencies.
            (27)   Florist shops.
            (28)   Frozen food stores, including locker rental in conjunction therewith.
            (29)   Furniture stores, including upholstering when conducted as part of the retail operations and secondary to the principal use.
            (30)   Furrier shops, including the incidental storage and conditioning of furs.
            (31)   Garden supply, tool, and seed stores.
            (32)   Gift shops.
            (33)   Hearing aid stores.
            (34)   Hobby shops, for retail of items to be assembled or used away from the premises.
            (35)   Household appliance.
            (36)   Hotels and motels.
            (37)   Interior decorating shops, including upholstering and making draperies, slip covers, and other similar articles, when conducted as part of the retail operations and secondary to the principal use.
            (38)   Jewelry stores, including watch repair.
            (39)   Leather goods and luggage stores.
            (40)   Libraries, museums and art galleries, public.
            (41)   Liquor stores, packaged goods.
            (42)   Locksmith shops.
            (43)   Meeting halls.
            (44)   Millinery shops.
            (45)    Musical instrument sales and repair.
            (46)    Office machine sales and servicing.
            (47)    Office, business and professional.
            (48)    Office supply stores.
            (49)    Optician sales, retail.
            (50)    Orthopedic and medical appliance stores.
            (51)   Paint, glass, and wallpaper stores.
            (52)    Pet shops.
            (53)   Phonograph record and sheet music stores.
            (54)   Photography studios, including the development of film and pictures when conducted as part of the retail business on the premises.
            (55)   Picture framing, when conducted for retail trade on the premises only.
            (56)   Post offices.
            (57)   Radio and television stations and studios.
            (58)   Radio and television sales, service, and repair shops.
            (59)   Restaurants--including the serving of alcoholic beverages if incidental to the serving of food as the principal activity.
            (60)   Sewing machine sales and service--household appliances only.
            (61)   Shoe stores.
            (62)   Sporting goods stores.
            (63)   Tailor shops.
            (64)   Taverns.
            (65)   Telegraph offices.
            (66)   Theater, indoor.
            (67)   Ticket agencies, amusement.
            (68)   Tobacco shops.
            (69)   Toy shops.
            (70)   Travel bureaus and transportation ticket offices.
            (71)   Undertaking establishments and funeral parlors.
            (72)   Repair, rental, and servicing of any article the sale of which is a permitted use in the district.
   (c)   Lot Requirements. In the B2 District, there shall be no minimum lot area requirements, except for permanent residential uses as follows:
      (1)   Dwelling units containing two (2) or more bedrooms--1,500 square feet per dwelling unit.
      (2)   One-bedroom of efficiency dwelling units--1,000 square feet per dwelling unit; and
      (3)   Lodging houses or rooming houses--600 square feet per room.
   (d)   Requirements.
      (1)   Residential Yards. For residential uses located above the ground floor in the B2 Districts, there shall be provided a rear yard equivalent to those prescribed in the R3 District. Such yard shall begin at a level no higher than the level of the finished floor of the lowest residential unit.
      (2)   Front Yard. Uses allowed in the B2 District shall provide a front yard by not less than 15 feet in depth.
      (3)   Transitional Yard. The regulations governing transitional yards in the B1 District shall apply in the B2 District.
   (e)   Floor Area Ratio. In the B2 District, the permitted floor area ratio shall not exceed 3.0.
   (f)   Signs. In the B2 District business signs and advertising devices are permitted, subject to the following conditions:
      1.   a.   General Application.
(1)   Area. The gross area in square feet of all signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed four (4) times the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot; however, the gross area of all flashing signs shall not exceed two (2) times the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot. Where more than (4) signs are located on any zoning lot, the fifth such sign and each succeeding sign, respectively, shall reduce the total allowable sign area by 20 percent.
(2)   Projection. No sign shall project more than 18 inches into the public way.
(3)   Height. No sign shall project higher than 50 feet above curb level.
         b.   Shopping Centers. For shopping centers in single ownership or under unified control, or individual uses with a minimum frontage of 150 feet, one (1) additional sign on each street frontage--other than those regulated in a. above--shall be permitted subject to the following:
(1)   Content: Such sign shall advertise only name and location of such center or individual use and the name and type of business of each occupant of the center.
(2)   Area: The gross area in square feet of the additional sign on a zoning lot shall not exceed two (2) times the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot. However, the gross surface area of such area of such additional sign, if flashing; shall not exceed the lineal feet of frontage of such zoning lot.
(3)   Setback: Such sign shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the front lot line of such center or individual use.
(4)   Height: No sign shall project higher than 50 feet above curb level.
   (g)   Off-Street Parking Requirements. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with Section 1145.01 et seq.
   (h)   Off-Street Loading Requirements. Off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with Section 1145.03 et. seq.