(a)   Permitted Uses. Permitted uses of land or buildings, as hereinafter listed shall be permitted in the districts indicated under the conditions specified. No buildings or zoning lot shall be devoted to any use other than a use permitted hereinafter in the zoning district in which such building or zoning lot shall be located, with the exception of the following:
      (1)   Uses lawfully established on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance.
      (2)   Uses already established on the effective date of this Ordinance, and rendered nonconforming by the provisions thereof, shall be subject to the regulations of Chapter 1149.
   (b)   Lot Area Requirements. Lot area requirements shall be as set forth under each zoning district, except that:
      (1)   No use shall be established or hereafter maintained on a lot recorded after the effective date of this Ordinance which is of less area than prescribed hereinafter for such use in the zoning district in which it is to be located and;
      (2)   No existing building or dwelling unit shall be converted so as to conflict with, or further conflict with, the lot area requirements of the district in which such building is located.
   (c)   Yard Requirements.
      (1)   Yard requirements shall be as set forth under each zoning district for all buildings, structures, and uses, except where more than 30 percent of the frontage on one side of a street between intersecting streets is occupied by structures on the effective date of this Ordinance. In the case of this exception, the average setback from the front lot line or such existing structures shall be maintained by all new or relocated structures.
      (2)   If the property on a street frontage between intersecting streets is zoned partially residence and partially business, the front yard requirement of the Residence District shall be applied to the entire street frontage.
      (3)   Dispensing devices with a height of not over six (6) feet shall be exempt from the established front yard or corner side yard requirements, but all such dispensing devices shall be set back from the front lot line and the corner side lot line a distance of not less than 15 feet.
      (4)   All required yards shall be unobstructed from the ground level to the sky. All accessory buildings when attached to principal buildings shall comply with the yard requirements of the principal buildings.
   (d)   Floor Area Ratio. The requirements established under each zoning district shall determine the maximum floor area allowable for the building or buildings (total floor area of both principal and accessory buildings) in direct ratio to the gross area of the zoning lot.
   (e)   Signs. Signs shall be classified and regulated in accordance with the requirements established in each zoning district, and as specified hereunder.
      (1)   In the Business Districts, where limitations are imposed by this Ordinance on the projection of signs from the face of the wall of any building or structure, such limitations shall not apply to identification canopy or marquee signs indicating only the name of the building or the name of the principal occupant of the building or the principal product available therein, provided that any identification sign located on a marquee or canopy shall be affixed flat to the vertical face thereof.
      (2)   Signs on awnings shall be exempt from the limitations imposed by this Ordinance on the projection of signs from the face of the wall of any building or structure provided that any sign located on the awning shall be affixed flat to the surface thereof, and shall be non-illuminated and shall indicate only the name and/or address of the establishment. Further, no such sign shall extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of said awning.
(3)   All outdoor advertising structures, most signs, accessory signs, or advertising statuary which are declared to be a traffic hazard by the Enforcing Officer after a recommendation from an appropriate State Transportation Department Official and which do not conform to the provisions of this section, shall be relocated or rearranged in accord with safety standards.
      (4)   No advertising sign, when viewed from a public park of ten (10) or more acres in area, shall hereafter be erected or relocated within 300 feet of such public park of ten (10) acres or more in area; unless said sign is screened from said park by a building, wall, or solid fence, and advertising devices located at a greater distance than 300 feet from such public park shall not exceed, in gross area of square feet, 1/200th's times the square of the distance of such advertising sign from said park unless said sign is screened from said park by a building, wall, or solid fence.
      (5)   No advertising signs shall be permitted within 75 feet of any Residence District boundary line unless said sign is completely screened from said Residence District by a building, solid fence, or an evergreen planting, which planting shall be not more than two (2) feet shorter than the height of the sign at the time said evergreens are planted; said evergreens shall be spaced not more than one-half (½) the height of the tree for regular varieties and one-third (1/3) the height of the tree for columnar varieties of trees; said evergreen planting shall be continuously maintained; or said sign is facing away from the Residence District and the back is screened as provided in paragraph (8), below.
      (6)   No nonconforming advertising devices shall be altered or reconstructed unless the alteration or reconstruction shall be in compliance with the provisions of this section. For the purpose of this section only, the term "altered or reconstructed" shall not include normal maintenance; changing of surface sign space, ornamental moulding, frames, trellises, or ornamental features or landscaping below the base line; or the addition, construction, installation, or changing of electrical wiring or electrical devices, backgrounds, letters, figures or characters, or other embellishments.
      (7)   A sign in direct line of vision of any traffic signal, from any point in the traffic lane from a position opposite the near sidewalk line to a position 150 feet before said sidewalk line, shall not have red, green, or amber illumination.
      (8)   All signs shall be mounted in accordance with the following:
         (1)   Flat against a building or wall.
         (2)   Back to back in pairs, so that the back of any such sign will be screened from public view.
         (3)   In clusters in an arrangement which will screen the back of the signs from public view.
         (4)   Or otherwise mounted so that the backs of all signs or sign structures exposed to public view shall be painted and maintained neutral color or a color that blends with surrounding environment.
   (f)   Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking facilities for motor vehicles in Business Districts shall be provided in accordance with the regulations established in Section 1145.01 et seq.
   (g)   Off-Street Loading. Off-street loading berths, accessory to uses allowed in Business Districts, shall be provided as required in Section 1145.03 et seq.