(a)   Purpose. The R4 High Density Residence District is designed and intended to accommodate high-density residential uses and certain public and semi-public uses which will serve the immediate neighborhood. This district should be mapped to protect and preserve any areas now meeting this standard; any areas in which it is both desirable and necessary to promote redevelopment; provided, however, that no area is mapped R5 which does not have convenient access to high capacity thoroughfares.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      (1)   Any use permitted in the R1 Single-Family Residence District, except agriculture.
      (2)   Apartment hotels.
      (3)   Colleges and universities, vocational schools, and educational institutions (boarding).
      (4)   Fraternal, philanthropic, and charitable institutions.
      (5)   Health and medical institutions.
      (6)   Lodging houses.
(7)   Multiple-family dwellings.
      (8).   Nursery schools and child care centers.
      (9)   Two-family, three-family and four-family dwellings.
   (c)   Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses may be allowed in the R4 District subject to the provisions of Section 1147.10 .
      (1)   Parking lots and garages other than accessory, for the storage of private passenger automobiles.
      (2)   Public utility and service uses.
      (3)   Planned developments, residential.
      (4)   Retail and Service Uses--Accessory, subject to the following limitations:
         A.   Uses. Restaurants; drug stores; retail food stores; valet shops; beauty and barber shops; gift shops; news, cigar and/or candy store; travel or car rental agency and ticket agency.
         B.   Locational Criteria--Density.
            1.   All such accessory retail or service uses must be located within a principal building (apartment hotel-multiple-family dwelling), containing not less than 50 dwelling units;
            2.   Not more than 10 percent of the principal building may be devoted to such accessory retail or service uses;
            3.   Such accessory use is not evident from any street and is accessible only through a lobby of the apartment hotel or multiple-family dwelling;
            4.   Such accessory use does not have signs of any type.
   (d)   Lot Requirements. Except as hereinafter provided, a separate ground area, herein called the zoning lot, shall be designated, provided and continuously maintained for each structure containing a permitted use or conditional use.
      (1)   Permitted uses.
         A.   The zoning lot for each structure designed or used either wholly or partly for residential occupancy shall be not less than 60 feet wide at the building setback line and shall contain not less than 6,000* square feet, plus 1200 square feet for each dwelling unit in excess of two (2) dwelling units; all other zoning lots for permitted uses shall be not less than 75 feet wide at the building setback line and shall contain not less than 10,000 square feet.
*   For lodging quarters, including sorority and fraternity houses, minimum lot area shall be computed on the basis of 400 square feet per room.
         B.   Open space. The zoning lot for the following structures shall provide at least the following amounts of unobstructed open space: (1) single-family dwellings--3,000 square feet, (2) for each dwelling unit in a two-family, multiple-family and/or apartment hotel use-- 300 square feet; (3) for each lodging or rooming unit--200 square feet; and (4) for all other uses--not less than 35 percent of the zoning lot area.
      (2)   Conditional uses. The minimum size for each zoning lot designed or used as a conditional use shall be as specified by the Planning Commission and Legislative Body.
      (3)   Accessory uses. Each accessory use may be established on the same zoning lot as the principal use (Permitted or Conditional), provided such lot meets the lot size requirements of this district as provided above.
   (e)   Yard Requirements.
      (1)   Permitted Uses.
Interior Corner
Front Yard
Side Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
All dwellings, including one-family, two-family, multiple- family units, apartment hotels and lodging houses
25 ft.
6 ft.*
10 ft.**
25 ft.
All other permitted uses
35 ft.
8 ft.***
20 ft.**
35 ft.
*   Plus one (1) foot for each five (5) feet by which the building height exceeds 25 feet.
**   Plus one (1) foot for each five (5) feet by which the building height exceeds 45 feet.
***   Plus one (1) foot for each three (3) feet by which the building height exceeds 35 feet.
      (2)   Conditional Uses. The yard requirements for all structures containing conditional uses and for all conditional uses not requiring structures shall be as specified by the Planning Commission and Legislative Body.
      (3)   Accessory Uses. Yard requirements for accessory buildings shall be the same as required for the principal buildings, except that garages for storage of private passenger automobiles shall provide a rear yard of not less than three (3) feet.
   (f)   Building Bulk Limitations.
      (1)   Permitted Uses.
                   Floor Area Ratio
All dwellings, including one-family,
two-family, multiple-family units,
apartment hotels, and lodging houses    2.2
Colleges, junior colleges, and universities      1.5
Educational and cultural institutions    1.5
Fraternal, philanthropic, and charitable
institutions                                        1.5
Health and medical institutions    2.0
Religious institutions        1.5
Recreational buildings    1.5
Nursery schools and child care centers    1.0
      (2)   Conditional Uses. Floor and ratio for all conditional uses shall be as specified by the Planning Commission and Legislative Body.
      (3)   Accessory Uses. In the R4 District, the floor area of the accessory buildings shall be included in the total allowable floor area permitted on the zoning lot; however, any floor area devoted to off-street parking or loading facilities shall be exempt from floor area ratio requirements.
   (g)   Signs. The regulations governing signs in the R1 District shall apply in the R4 District.
   (h)   Off-street Parking Requirements. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with Section 1145.01 et seq.
   (i)   Off-street Loading Requirements. Off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with Section 1145.03 et seq.