The regulations contained in this section shall apply within those geographic areas indicated on the Wintersville Zoning District Map as lying within an "Interchange Control Area." Within such designated areas, all requirements prescribed in this Ordinance for the zoning district proper shall be complied with; and in addition, the following regulations, which are intended to promote traffic safety, increase traffic efficiency, and improve the appearance of interchange areas.
   (a)   Setback from Intersecting Highway Buildings and structures shall be set back at least 80 feet from the right-of-way line of intersecting highways and 150 feet from any expressway or limited access highway. In the case of unusual changes in alignment of the highway right-of-way line or unusual topographic conditions which would cause undue hardship in the application of this requirement a variance for a lesser setback from the intersecting highway may be granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (b)   Limitation of Access Access from abutting property to an intersecting highway shall be permitted only at designated access points. Such access points shall be located as follows:
There shall be no access points located within 1,000 feet of the most remote end of taper of any existing or proposed entrance or exit ramp of an interchange, or within 1,000 feet of median crossovers, or at intervals of less than 1,000 feet thereafter. A lesser distance may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals upon prior written approval by a designated representative of the agency having Jurisdiction over such highway.
To avoid dangerous offset intersections, public streets along opposite sides of intersecting highways shall be located either directly opposite each other or directly opposite a median strip crossover, or separated by at least 300 feet of lateral distance as required by the particular circumstances to permit safe traffic movement as determined by the agency having jurisdiction over the intersecting highway.