Loading   Required Space
   Class   Uses: (Permitted)    (Gross floor Area)
      Non-residential uses:
Class #1    Residence Districts    Buildings:
               1.    Airport    10,000-100,000 sq. ft.-
               2.    Health & Medical Institutions    1 berth plus 1 additional
            100,000 ft.
Class #2    1.    Educational & Cultural    Berth size-no less than
                     Institutions    12' by 55'
               2.    Philanthropic Institutions    10,000-200,000 sq. ft.-
               3.    Religious Institutions    1 berth plus 1 additional
               4.    Recreational & social    berth/200,000 sq. ft.
                     facilities    20,000-200,000 sq. ft.-
               5.    All other non-residential uses    1 berth plus 1
                     in Residential Districts    additional berth/200,000
                6.    Apartment Hotels    sq. ft.
               7.    Multiple-family & rooming
Class #3    Business Districts    less than 7,000 sq. ft.
                                                   provided with adequate
               1.    Business Establishments    off-street facilities
               2.    Cartage & Express facilities    (alley preferable)
               3.    Mail order houses    7,000-40,000 sq. ft.-
               4.    Printing & publishing    1 berth 40,000-100,000
               5.    Restricted production & repair    sq. ft. 2 berths plus
               6.    Warehousing, storage, & whole-    1 berth per additional
                     sale establishments    100,000 sq. ft. berth
                                                   size-no less than 12'
                                                   by 55'
Class #4    1.    Banks & financial institutions    10,000-100,000 sq. ft.
               2.    Medical & dental clinics    1 berth plus one addi-
               3.    Offices, business & professional    tional berth/100,000
               4.    Recreation buildings & community    sq. ft. to 500,000 ft.;
         centers    one additional
                                                   berth per 500,000 sq.
                                                   ft. or fraction thereof
Class #5    1.    Clubs & lodges (with retail
                     shops etc.)
               2.    Convention Halls    10,000-150,000 sq. ft.
               3.    Exhibition Halls    1 berth plus 1 addi-
               4.    Hotels & Motels (with retail    tional berth/150,000
                    shops etc.)    sq. ft.
Class #6    1.    Apartment hotels    10,000-200,000 sq. ft.-
               2.    Clubs & lodges (with no retail    1 berth plus one addi-
                     shops)    tional berth per 200,000
               3.    Hotels and Motels (with no    sq. ft.
                     retail shops etc.)
               4.    Meeting Halls
               5.    Schools
               6.    Theaters, indoor
                                                   one berth per
Class #7    1.    Amusement establishments    10,000-100,000 sq. ft.-
                     a. bowling alleys    plus one additional
                     b. swimming pools    berth per 100,000 ft.
                     c. skating rinks
                                                   one berth per
Class #8    1.    Stadiums    10,000-100,000 sq. ft.
               2.    Auditoriums    plus one additional
               3.    Arenas    berth per 100,000 ft.
Class #9    1. Undertaking establishments    7,000-100,000 sq. ft.-
               2. Funeral Parlors    1 berth plus one
                                                   additional berth/100,000
                                                   sq. ft.
Gross Floor Area of
Establishments in    Required Number and
Thousands of Square Feet                 Size of Berths
7 to 20    1--(12 ft x 30 ft)
20 to 35    2--(12 ft x 30 ft ea.)
35 to 60    2--(12 ft x 55 ft ea.)
60 to 100    3--(12 ft x 55 ft ea.)
   For each additional 200,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof, over 100,000 square feet of gross floor area, one (1) additional loading berth shall be provided, such additional berth to be at least 12 feet in width by 55 feet in length.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: See Code Book for graphic illustration.)