(a)   Streets. The subdivider shall install on each street within the subdivision, finished and completed, paved hard wearing surfaced streets of the following type.
      (1)   A street established to the grade line, as shown on the engineering plans submitted, having a minimum crushed aggregate base section consisting of nine inches of 304 Crushed Aggregate Base, a coating of 408 Prime Coat, a layer of one and one-fourth inch 402 Asphalt Concrete and a one and one-half inch layer of 404 Asphalt Concrete. Also, four inch drainage tile will be required under the curbing. The bituminous base section consists of six inch of 302 Asphalt Concrete Base laid in three and one-half and two and one-half courses and a one inch layer of 404 Asphalt Concrete. This section does not require drainage tile under the curbing.
      (2)   Or, a street established to the proposed grade line with    either a mountable or rolled curb, having a suitable sub-base. Said street is to be a pavement thickness of seven inch of concrete. Notice of the installation of the pavement under these sections shall be provided by the developer or subdivider.
      (3)   Minimum paving widths The minimum acceptable paved width for all subdivision streets shall be twenty-eight feet measured to the outside edge of curbs.
   (b)   Sidewalks. The subdivider may be required by the Planning Commission to install at the time of paving and finishing streets concrete sidewalks on each side of all paved streets, including corners, finished concrete sidewalk paving at least four inches thick and four feet wide with the inside edge of the walk located two feet in from the street right-of-way line.
   (c)   Monuments. Upon completion of subdivision streets, sewers and other improvements, the subdivider shall make certain that all monuments required by the Engineer are clearly visible for inspection and use. Such monuments shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before any improvements are accepted by Council. Bench marks for establishing surveys and grades of streets must be clearly tied into the plat.
   (d)   Bond. Before any subdivision plat is given final approval by the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall be required to have installed all storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water lines for the entire subdivision; pavement of the required hard finished street may be divided into no less than three sections; it shall be required that no less than one third of the entire subdivision will be paved according to this chapter, and a cul-de-sac shall be provided at the temporary terminus of the paved portion of said road. Further, before any subdivision plat is given final approval by the Planning Commission, Planning Commission may require the filing with the Village in Cash or by Corporate Surety Bond and amount that will cover the cost of all required improvements to be made by the subdivider. The amount of said bond or cash shall be approved by the Municipal Engineer following his examination and check of all plans, specifications and cost estimates furnished by the subdivider.
   (e)   Time Period. All required improvements shall be installed by the subdivider within a period of one year following the recording of an approved plat.
   (f)   Failure to Comply. In the event that the subdivider has failed to install all required improvements within the time specified or has not begun the work and is proceeding in a manner satisfactory to the Municipality or its Engineer, or defaults in any way from any accepted and approved plan or specification, such failure shall be deemed as a forfeiture of any posted bond or moneys. Upon certification of any such failure by the Engineer to Council, the Municipality may take such action, in the manner permitted by law to proceed with the completion or correction of all required improvements and defray all such costs as are necessary from the moneys or bond deposited by the subdivider, and no building permit shall be issued upon such certification by the Municipal Engineer of failure to comply and adhere to requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 1972-31. Passed 10-3-72.)
   (g)   Acceptance. Council shall not accept any paved streets, water lines, or other improvements until the Municipal Engineer has certified in writing to Council that all improvements have been made according to specifications established by the Municipality and that all the offered improvements are in an acceptable condition and good state of repair.
(Ord. 1972-31. Passed 10-3-72.)