6-2-7-4: WINDOW SIGNS:
   A.   Temporary Window Signs: Temporary window signs shall be constructed of quality material and shall be neat in appearance. Temporary and permanent window signage in area shall not cover more than fifty percent (50%) of the display windows on any business or building face. Signage shall be arranged to prevent individual windows from being covered totally as defined in section 6-2-2 of this chapter.
   B.   Permanent Window Sign: Window sign(s) may be approved following procedures outlined in subsections 6-2-4C and D of this chapter. Window sign(s) in area shall cover not more than fifty percent (50%) of the display window on any business or building face. Permanent window signage shall be calculated as part of the total signage allowed under subsection 6-2-7-7A of this chapter and shall be located in accordance with the provisions applicable to permanent signs. (Ord. 440, Series of 2010)