A.   Open burning is prohibited at all times in the town, except under the following conditions:
      1.   The burning is for the noncommercial cooking of food for human consumption;
      2.   The burning is for recreational purposes and is located within an established campfire ring, fire pit, or other similar protective enclosure, and the fire is no larger than three feet (3') in diameter and two feet (2') in height;
      3.   The burning is a smokeless flare or safety flare used to indicate danger or distress to the public or public safety officials; or
      4.   The burning is conducted in compliance with a permit issued by the town manager or designee, which permit may be issued by the town manager or designee if the town manager or designee finds that such burning can be accomplished in a safe manner and in compliance with all other applicable regulations.
   B.   Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the town council may by resolution, in its sole discretion, place additional restrictions on open burning upon receipt of credible evidence of the need for additional restrictions or bans.
   C.   Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, all open burning is prohibited in the town during any periods of time when the board of county commissioners of the county of Grand, state of Colorado has adopted burning restrictions, in accordance with such restrictions, provided that the town may, at the discretion of the town manager or designee, exempt certain locations or devices from the burning restrictions adopted by the board of county commissioners, or adopt additional restrictions on locations or devices that are more restrictive than those adopted by the board of county commissioners by public notice placed at the location and at the designated posting location identified under section 13.14 of the Winter Park home rule charter. (Ord. 460, Series of 2012)