(A)   Every proposed ordinance shall be introduced in writing and in the form required for final adoption which shall include:
      (1)   A title briefly describing the content;
      (2)   Findings, reasons or basis for the ordinance, if desired and appropriate;
      (3)   An enacting clause;
      (4)   Citation of any ordinance repealed;
      (5)   The provisions of the ordinance including section numbers, if the ordinance is to be codified or amends an existing codified ordinance;
      (6)   The effective date of the ordinance;
      (7)   The name of the person requesting introduction of the ordinance;
      (8)   The approval of the Town Attorney as to form and the assignment of an ordinance number; and
      (9)   Space for the signatures of the Mayor or presiding member of Council and the Town Clerk attesting notice, if required, and adoption.
   (B)   Written resolutions shall be in a similar form as deemed appropriate by the Town Attorney.
(1995 Code, § 1-3022)