(A)   There is herewith established a public work force for the town and every able-bodied prisoner sentenced in the Municipal Court to imprisonment for failure to pay a fine imposed by the Court may be required to work upon the public streets, public ways, municipal parks, municipal buildings, drains and other municipal public works of the town during the term of imprisonment.
   (B)   The Public Safety Director is herewith designated as officer-in-charge of the municipal public works force and shall be responsible for the proper operation of the municipal work force, the control, security and supervision of the prisoners serving thereon. The Public Safety Director may designate the municipal prisoners who are to work upon the municipal public works force during their imprisonment and prisoners who are physically unable to perform physical labor or who are dangerous or who cannot safely be allowed to work on the force may be confined in the county jail or on the county public work force. Municipal prisoners, when not engaged in work on the municipal public works shall be confined in the County Detention Center, or on the county public works force.
(1995 Code, § 3-1009) (Ord. passed 4-7-1970)