(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to alter, tamper with or “straight line” a water service, or bypass a meter which has been installed for the purpose of measuring water service. Any meter found in a condition which would cause the meter to inaccurately measure the use of water or the attachment to a meter or distribution wire of any divide, mechanism or wire which would permit the use of unmetered water or would cause a meter to inaccurately measure the use thereof shall be evidence that either the person in whose name the meter was installed or the person for whose benefit it was diverted caused the water to be diverted from going through the meter or the meter to inaccurately measure the use of water.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person other than authorized town personnel to restore water service when the service was discontinued for non-payment. If any person other than authorized personnel causes water service to be restored prior to paying in full the outstanding balance, then it shall be evidence that either the person in whose name the meter was installed or the person who benefitted caused the service to be restored.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person, without first obtaining permission from the appropriate town official, to tamper with, adjust, run on, turn off or exercise any control over any fire hydrant, water valve, water service or any related object (except in case of extreme emergency) which belongs to the town and used to supply and distribute water.
(1995 Code, § 4-2003) (Ord. passed 3-2-1982) Penalty, see § 53.99