The submittal requirement for an application for a required permit will be to submit all documents and application materials required by or submitted to the permitting agencies for the covered construction. An application must be supplemented to include any updates to the corresponding applications to the permitting agencies. The applicant with apprise and consult with the Village on the progress of the review of the covered construction by the permitting agencies so the Village can (i) fully understand exactly what type of construction or activity is being proposed by the application, (ii) provide comments and feedback on the application and project throughout the federal and state review process, and (iii) make a decision on the required permit within the time period provided under Section 15.78.050 of this chapter. Applicants must meet with the Village Engineer in advance of filing an application with any of the permitting agencies for covered construction to allow the Village an opportunity to identify any issues or concerns related to the covered construction, including any aspects of the covered construction that may not comply with the permit requirements of this chapter.
(MC-05-2023 § 3, Added, 03/21/2023)