Section 17.60.010   Zoning Variations.
   The Village Council or, if so authorized, the Zoning Board of Appeals, may determine and vary the application of the regulations of the Winnetka Zoning Ordinance, Title 17 of this Code, in harmony with the general purpose and intent of said regulations, subject to the standards and procedures set forth in this chapter, provided that use variations shall not be permitted.
(MC-2-2004, Amended, 04/06/2004; MC-5-2000, Amended, 10/03/2000, Subsections D and E amended)
(MC-6-2005, Amended, 09/20/2005; MC-2-2004, Amended, 04/06/2004; MC-5-2000, Amended, 10/03/2000, Subsections D and E amended)