Section 17.40.030   Development standards.
   A.   General Development Standards. The development standards for all uses in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District shall be as provided in Chapter 17.46 of this code.
   B.   Additional Development Standards for Certain Special Uses. In addition to complying with all other applicable standards, the following special uses shall also be subject to the specific criteria set forth herein.
      1.   Automobile service stations. Automobile service stations shall not be located or maintained within two hundred (200) feet of any building used or constructed for use in whole or in part as a church, or temple, library, community or parish house, or public or private school or kindergarten (in measuring such minimum distance, the portion of such distance that lies within the boundaries of any public street shall be counted twice).
      2.   Parking lots. No motor vehicles, motor appliances, equipment or supplies shall be offered for sale, repair or service, or be stored for any such purposes on any parking lot, unless such parking lot is a permitted accessory use to a permitted vehicle sale, service or supply store.
      3.   Public parking garage. No public parking garage shall be located or maintained within two hundred (200) feet of any building used or constructed for use in whole or in part as a church or temple, library, community or parish house, or public or private school or kindergarten (in measuring such minimum distance, the portion of such distance that lies within the boundaries of any public street shall be counted twice).
      4.   Fast Food Restaurants, Drive-in Establishments and Drive-in Facilities.
         a.   Fast food restaurants, drive-in establishments and any drive-in facility, including any portion of any use that provides drive-in services, shall comply with the following standards:
            i.   No fast food restaurant, drive-in establishment or drive-in restaurant may be located within three hundred (300) feet (measured from property line to property line) of another fast food restaurant, drive-in establishment or drive-in restaurants.
            ii.   Principal vehicular ingress and egress to the premises shall be from a primary street, as defined in the Village of Winnetka Comprehensive Plan.
            iii.   One (1) off-street-loading berth adequate for the loading and unloading of service vehicles and trucks (together with properly related access to a public street or alley) shall be provided such that no maneuvering incidental to the parking, loading or unloading of such service vehicles and trucks shall be on or across any public right-of-way, and no loading berth shall be located within thirty (30) feet of the nearest point of intersection of any two (2) streets.
            iv.   The lighting of parking lots or loading areas shall cease at or before midnight when such lots or areas are within one hundred (100) feet of the boundary of any R Single-Family Residential District;
         b.   In addition to the foregoing requirements, each fast food restaurant shall provide a minimum of thirty (30) parking spaces for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (1) parking space for each one and one-half (1-1/2) employees (based upon the largest number of employees in attendance at any time), plus one (1) parking space for each vehicle directly associated with the use (whether stored on premises over night or not).
(MC-2-2015 § 4, Amended, 02/17/2015; MC-4-2009, Added, 05/05/2009)