Section 17.30.090   Building Line Articulation
   A.   This section shall apply to all exterior building walls that face the smaller side yard on any property located in the R-5 or R-4 zoning district and all references to side building walls in this subsection shall be so construed.
   B.   No encroachments into the side yard, whether permitted or otherwise, shall be considered articulation of the side building walls for purposes of this subsection.
   C.   The length of the building shall be measured from the front corner of the building, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, and shall not include open porches at the front of the building.
   D.   Except as provided in the following paragraph 5, if the principal building is more than 40 feet long, excluding open front porches, open rear porches and open decks, the side building walls shall be articulated by at least 2 feet, beginning at a point no more than 35 feet from the front corner of the building, as determined by the Zoning Administrator. The articulation shall be toward the interior of the lot, except that, if the distance between the side lot line and the side building line along the smaller side yard exceeds the required side yard by 2 feet or more, then articulation may be either toward the side lot line or the interior of the lot. If the principal building, excluding open front porches, open rear porches and open decks, has a length of 40 feet or less, the side building walls need not be articulated.
   E.   For any principal building constructed before April 20, 1999, the degree of articulation shall be 18 inches instead of 2 feet and shall be measured from the existing side building walls, regardless of any nonconformities in the location of that side building wall. Articulation shall be required for any building additions if any of the side building walls is at least 40 feet long.
(MC-6-2005, Amended, 09/20/2005; MC-2-2004, Amended, 04/06/2004; MC-6-2002, Added, 05/21/2002)